- Rename the Illumina files with a CSV file.
- Usage:
python rename_file.py -csv samples.csv -i illumina_reads_directory/
- Rename the FASTQ file with the barcode and copy them outside the barcode folders.
- Run MetaMaps.
- How to split file with bash command.
Convert a gff file generated by PROKKA to a featureCounts-compatible gtf (and probably nf-core/rnaseq-compatible)
If fastq files are in fastq folder, just this:
ls -d fastq/*fastq.gz | parallel seqkit stats -T -a | sed -n '/file/!p'
parallel -k seqkit stats -T -a ::: fastq/js/*fastq.gz | sed -n '/file/!p'
The header (that is deleted and has to be added again) for the output is:
file format type num_seqs sum_len min_len avg_len max_len Q1 Q2 Q3 sum_gap N50 Q20(%) Q30(%)
- Rename the Nanopore files with a CSV file.
- Usage: rename_nanopore.sh /path/to/nanopore/files/ /path/to/rename.csv