A Custom post types & taxonomies plugin for use by Industry Expansion Solutions on NC State Itecs multi-site wordpress enviroment.
- Courses
- Staff
- Industries
- Locations
##Other notes Taxonomies are used to generate related content widgets to cross populate Industries and CPT-related posts throughout site. Uses Post Tags and Categories for Pages plugin (http://wpthemetutorial.com/plugins/post-tags-and-categories-for-pages/) to attach cats and tags to pages for related content widgets in pages & post content as well. Staff CPT declared to create a linked resource for posts, pages & course content.
Contact Nicolle Jones, NC State Univeristy ([email protected]) for information or questions.
== Changelog ==
= 1.0.3 =
- Added meta fields to wp search query to try and fix the custom course search.
= 1.0.2 =
- Moved the Orderby Taxonomy Term Name filter to the plugin file as it's used for the IES Specific custom taxonomies and cpts.
- Added Courses cpt filter to return course-search.php for all 'courses' post_type wp_query searches.
= 1.0.1 =
- Added support for tags to Courses custom post type.
= 1.0 = Initial release