I was on a 10 hour flight with no WiFi, and, bored out of my mind, I thought it would be fun to implement some sorting algorithms in the Typescript type system. When I landed, I had the idea to do some performance analysis to make my implementation faster. I implemented Insertion Sort and Merge Sort, and I brought the compile time down ~4.5x, from ~2300ms to ~490ms.
This is what it looks like when you sort in the type system:
Useless, right?
I named this "Sorta Cool" for a few reasons:
- The obvious pun.
- It's the type of project which is sort of useless, but also sort of fun. So it's sort of cool (not very cool).
- As I wrote this, I constantly thought to myself, "I wonder what Shriram would think of this," which reminded me of Sortacle from Brown's CS 0190 course.
If you want to understand how this works, you'll need to be familiar with Typescript's recursive conditional types. If you're already familiar, skip to the next section. I'll try to explain them briefly here.
A type just provides a nice way to talk about a set of values. The string
type in Typescript refers to the set of all possible strings. The union type "alice" | "bob"
refers to the set containing two strings "alice" and "bob".
You can write types that take in other types as input. I can write a type that takes in a generic string type parameter, and unions another string into the set (the union operator is |
). This would look like type AddBob<T> = T | "bob"
. To constrain the generic T
to be a string, we can say type AddBob<T extends string>
, and the compiler will yell at us if we pass AddBob
a non-string type "argument".
// "alice" | "bob"
type AliceAndBob = AddBob<'alice'>
// "charlie" | "bob"
type CharlieAndBob = AddBob<'charlie'>
// Can't pass in a number, since AddBob wants a string
type ThisIsATypeError = AddBob<10>
The extends
keyword also has another use in addition to constraining what a generic type can be. It allows us to implement a conditional type. Let's say Bob has a crush on Alice and wants to spend time with only her. Our AddBob<T>
type should only union in Bob if <T>
is "Alice". We can write that as follows:
// "If T is 'alice', return T and bob. Otherwise, return T.
type AddBob<T extends string> = T extends 'alice' ? T | 'bob' : T
// "alice" | "bob"
type AliceAndBob = AddBob<'alice'>
// Just "charlie", since Bob only wants to hang out with alice
type LonelyCharlie = AddBob<'charlie'>
You can get fancier with this by adding in pattern matching. You can say, if some type T
extends some pattern that I have, then do something; otherwise, do something else. Let's say we have a type that takes in a string and removes the leading spaces if applicable. We want the following:
// We''ll fill this out soon
type Strip<T extends string> = ...
// Should be "abc"
RemoveA<" abc">
// Should be "abc"
// Two leading spaces; removing one yields " cba"
RemoveA<" cba">
For Strip
, we want to say: if T
starts with space, return the remaining part of the string. If it doesn't start with a space, just return the string. That looks like the following:
type Strip<T extends string> = T extends ` ${infer Rest}` ? Rest : T
Nifty, right? Finally, let's try to figure out how we can strip all leading A's. To do this, we can make a recursive call to Strip
: when we remove a space by inferring Rest
, we "return" Strip<Rest>
type Strip<T extends string> = T extends ` ${infer Rest}` ? Strip<Rest> : T
// "cba", yay!
Strip<' cba'>
In sum, we have the following building blocks:
- "if/else" statements using
- Pattern matching using
- Recursion
Note that pattern matching applies not just to strings (i.e. ${infer Rest}
) but also to arrays. If you have an array type A
, you can do stuff like A extends [infer First extends number, ...infer Rest[]]
, which will pattern match to all arrays whose first element is a number. These fundamental concepts will allow us to implement Merge Sort in the type system!
I'll explain how I implemented Merge Sort, since that's more tricky than Insertion Sort. You'll probably want to have read the previous section, or already know how type scripting works in Typescript.
I implemented a numeric comparison type, Cmp<A, B>
between any two integers. If A < B
, it evaluates to -1. If they are equal, it evaluates to 0. If A > B
, it evaluates to 1. It uses the following logic:
- WLOG, If A is negative but B is non-negative, B is bigger. I determine whether a number is negative by casting it a string and pattern matching to
-${infer A}
. If it matches, it's negative. - If A and B are both negative, return
Cmp<Abs<B>, Abs<A>>
, whereAbs<T>
computes the absolute value of some integer. The implementation ofAbs
can be found inmath.ts
which is fairly simple to read. - If A and B are both positive, you'll need to read on...
When A and B are both positive, we can determine which one is larger by keeping two counters, which are actually just arrays of numbers:
type PositiveIntegerCmp<A, B, ACounter = [], BCounter = []> = ...
Let the boolean a
correspond to A
being equal to the length of ACounter
, which we can find with ACounter['length']
. Let the boolean b
be analogous for B
. Then, we can use the following algorithm:
!a && !b
means that neither list is long enough. Add one element to each and recurse:PositiveIntegerCmp<A, B, [0, ...ACounter], [0, ...BCounter]>
.a && !b
means thatA
must be smaller thanB
, since it's length was reached first. Return -1.b && !a
means thatA
is larger by the same logic. Return 1.a && b
means that they are the same length. Return 0.
Now that we can compare two integers, we are now ready to merge two arrays together. I wrote a Merge<A extends number[], B extends number[]>
type that "returns" one number[]
, which merges two already sorted (in ascending order) arrays A
and B
. This type works in the following way:
the first element from each list. Compare them, and add the smaller one to an accumulator list.- If there are no elements in either list, return the accumulator.
The accumulator is stored within the Merge
type itself, which is made to work with a default argument of Acc extends number[] = []
. Thus, Merge
actually looks like:
Merge<A extends number[], B extends number, Acc extends number[] = []>
To implement Merge Sort correctly, we have to split an array type into two parts, i.e. implement type Split<T extends number[]>
, which gives back [number[], number[]]
. At first, I thought I could split the given array down the middle, but it's hard to know where the middle is in an array type. I thought I could do something like T extends [infer First, ...infer Middle, infer Rest]
, but infer
ence is greedy, which means that Middle
would have all but the first element, and Rest
would not be matched.
Instead, I opted to split the array by index parity, which is just a pretentious way of saying the even indexed elements go in one bucket and the odd indexed elements go in to different bucket. I keep two accumulators in the Split
type declaration, and pattern match T
to [infer First, infer Second, ...infer Rest]
. I add First
into the first accumulator, add Second
into the second accumulator, and I pass the result of both of those into a recursive Split
call: Split<Rest, [...Acc1, First], [...Acc2, Second]>
Putting it all together is fairly simple in comparison to the other types. If we have MergeSort<T extends number[]>
, we have two cases:
- If
, returnT
. - Otherwise, compute return
Merge<MergeSort<Split<T>[0]>, MergeSort<Split<T>[1]>>
. You might notice that we're recomputingSplit
on both branches; my optimization of this is discussed in the next section.
I figured I could optimize my types by generating traces while running tsc
. I figured that optimizing tsc
would make my IntelliSense run faster in VSCode, since anyway IntelliSense speaks to tsserver
, which just uses tsc
. My methodology was from here; I ran the following command to generate traces:
./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc -p . --generateTrace traces/
I loaded traces/trace.json
into Perfetto, looked for calls that seemed like they took relatively long, and made the following improvements.
Because this sorting implementation takes the absolute value of negative numbers to compare them (see Cmp
in the Numeric Comparison section), we need an Abs
type. Here was my first implementation of it:
type Abs<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${infer Rest extends number}`
? Rest // Crap, this is a string
: T // Yay, a number
This situation isn't great: Abs
either returns a string ("Crap") or a number ("Yay"). I then wrote an AtoI
function that would take in a string and evaluate to a number; it did so using recursion in such a way that casting a string N
to a number would make N
recursive calls. This was pretty slow:
(TODO: Image of this being slow.)
Then, I realized that in TypeScript 4.8, better inference was introduced for infer
types. So, I upgraded to the version 4.8 beta, reverted to my original code without AtoI
, and saw a MASSIVE (TODO, quantity) performance boost!
At first, my MergeSort
type was approximately the following (where Split
was described earlier):
// Omitting the base case of T.length < 2 for simplicity here
// The actual code does have it
type MergeSort<T> = MergeSort<Split<T>[0], Split<T>[1]>
See what's wrong here? We're calling Split
twice. I had the idea to "refactor" this into a temporary variable introduced in the type signature (PL folks, I'm sure my terminology is wrong here; please do not hurt/make fun of/call me out/etc. on PL Twitter):
type MergeSort<T, S = Split<T>> = Merge<MergeSort<S[0]>, MergeSort<S[1]>>
Turns out this doesn't work! I wasn't able to determine why, but TypeScript seems to think that this is infinitely recursive. My second attempt at doing this worked:
// Again, this code is an approximation.
// Check the source if you want the real deal.
type MergeSort<T> = Split<T> extends infer S
? Merge<MergeSort<S[0]>, MergeSort<S[1]>>
: T // Will never happen
The main takeaway is that you can introduce "variables" by doing an operation, saying that it should extend infer SomeVariable
, and then using SomeVariable
in multiple places.
And for some low hanging fruit, I noticed that about ~800ms were spent compiling dom.d.ts
, so I avoided doing that extra work by setting the environment to ES5
. I also set noEmit
to true, which saved ~15 milliseconds (the JS files were anyway empty). In total, I was able to bring "compilation" (the PL people will hurt me for using that word, since nothing is being compiled... I think) down by ~105ms, which is a 20% decrease!
If you're using VSCode, you'll need to use the Typescript version from this project, since this project relies on a bit of functionality from Typescript 4.8 (which is in beta at the time of this writing). This should be done automatically once you npm install
, since I included the .vscode
I'll buy you a coffee/beer if you implement Quicksort (and submit it as a PR) with a non-trivial pivot scheme. Good luck. My wallet is ready.