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Releases: netsage-project/resourcedb


24 Oct 16:32
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Added a script to import resources from a csv file (as used by U of HI).
Changed the disciplines list, eg, to MPS.Astronomy and Multi-Science Facility.
Removed unneeded resourcedb upgrade scripts; resourcedb.sql matches current state.
Export script now skips writing out resources with discipline = "Unknown" or "nonscience". It also writes a csv file also, in case it's useful.
Added a script to fix disciplines in past elasticsearch data.
Moved scripts that are run by hand in various situations to a misc-scripts folder (that is not installed anywhere).
Misc minor changes.


31 Oct 19:57
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Added org description and ASN to resource details page.
Added addresses array back to json export file.
Changed export script to use a regex for some cidr blocks (for yaml file).
Changed limits on allowed cidr prefixes to be /16-32 and /112-128.
Added a script to write a fake geoip db file (scireg.mmdb) for logstash science registry tagging. It will run out of cron and use the exported json file as input. Made accompanying changes in the packages required, etc.
Other minor things.


26 Jun 14:33
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Fixed the database, code, and writing of files to properly support unicode/utf8. (Most fancy quotes and dashes are replaced by simple ones, but characters in other languages can be used now.)


25 May 20:10
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v0.9 -

  • Added tabs/pages to show disciplines, roles, users and edit/add/delete them.
  • Changed user table to have a numerical id and fields username and name. Made corresponding changes in events, etc.
  • Before loading any page, do a webservice call for getViewerInfo
  • Only admin users (who are logged in and also in the resourcedb user table) can see users, or add/edit disciplines, roles, and users.
  • Added writing of *.yaml file when doing an export, for use by the logstash pipeline.
  • Added validation of network prefixes (/xxx's)
  • Also fixed a few other small things.

Forgot to take v0.8 -

  • With changes to the apache config, code changes in this release will make the registry open to the public, but users need to be logged in to edit or add any data.
  • Added "Login" link in header
  • Added organization import and export scripts (org abbreviations, names, and country codes only). Organization names
  • Org names are now unique instead of org abbreviations.


27 Mar 21:21
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-Added Contact form/page and links to it in the header of each page.
-Added tabindex values so tab goes to the submit button in Safari.
-User can now add IPv6 addresses.
-Smart quotes are stripped.
-Special chars are now ok in Notes and Descriptions.
-Changed which columns are shown and their order in all the tables.
-Made country name display instead of country code in some tables.
-Made Organization on Resources Details page clickable (to go to Org Details page).
-Made the cursor a hand there and in tables on details pages.
-Fixed ability to remove a description and notes.
-Made Members/Contributors lists invisible for now.


06 Mar 21:18
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#72 Mainly added 'notes' field to orgs, resources, projects tables and forms; added 'url' field to resources table and forms;
and added checks to ensure project and resource abbreviations are unique (popups to alert user when they try to enter something that has already been used); fixed the abbr check for orgs.
#73 Added first large list of science disciplines to the database initialization sql file. Added an example cron file,

Also made changes in comments, printed messages, error reporting, etc. to make things clearer and better organized; added lines related to db export file and its location to example config file and the spec file.


12 Feb 19:32
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#68 Added organization abbreviation field
#69 Added database export script
#70 Added project and resource abbreviation fields
#71 Added usage() function for export script, preparing for release


10 Nov 18:57
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#65 Added reverse DNS lookup as an "external resource"
#67 Require perl-Net-DNS


31 Oct 20:34
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  • #55 Moved new- and edit-resource form fields around
  • #56 Adding cosmetic GUI updates
  • #57 Fixes case where organization was not selected while editing a resource
  • #58 Added an alert popup if an IP is already in the db when adding a new resource
  • #59 Set defaults for various form fields
  • #60 Allow and display spaces in CIDR list
  • #61 Added tabs on main page to separate search results by type
  • #62 Made search match resource name, CIDR, or org, and organization and project names
  • #63 Added legend to maps


12 Oct 20:47
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  • #42 Updates database schema to support multiple projects per resource
  • #43 Adding support for multiple CIDR addresses per resource
  • #46 Adding event log for project, org, and resources
  • #47 Auto populates country, lat, long, and ASN after CIDR is updated
  • #48 Adding user table to database
  • #50 Fixing case where country was stored inconsistently
  • #51 Adding organization marker to map on organization page
  • #53 Alphabetize lists of resources, organizations, and projects