npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
This is custom vue project.
This is not a single page application. This is webpack for styles, javascripts and vue components.
Modules are folders in src
Module is a separated functionality. It can be css reset style, vue component, global BEM css.
Module source code that goes to production must be placed in module src
directory eg. src/ArticleList/src
The src/main.js file is main endpoint and handles diffrents mechanism.
Mechanism to add style to project.
Global css using BEM methodology.
To register styles add imports to: src/style.scss
Basic vue components.
To register compoennt add it src/components.js
Machanism to test modules in development environment.
Module sandbox code must be placed in module sandbox
direcotry eg. src/ArticleList/sandbox
To register sanbox component add new route to sandbox.js
. The route is na VueRouter route.
Sanboxes are not compiled for production.