OpenStatus is a server monitoring system based on scrd and nikkiii's status page
For Debian and its derivatives, see this page for install instructions. For other distros:
- copy openstatus-server, the "web" directory, and openstatus.db to your server
- copy openstatus-client to your clients
- copy and edit the configuration files (default location is /etc/openstatus/)
- put the contents of "web" directory somewhere that your webserver can serve them from
- edit config.php to point to the location of openstatus.db
- ensure that the database file and its parent directory are owned by the user PHP scripts run as, and that that user can read and write to the database file.
- start openstatus-server and openstatus-client
- openstatus-server -c <config file>
- openstatus-client -c <config file>
- <config file> defaults to /etc/openstatus/openstatus-[client|server].conf