Make genomic FASTA input optional #236
GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report
Jan 22, 2025 in 0s
2 tests run, 0 passed, 0 skipped, 2 failed.
Check failure on line 1 in Test pipeline with HISAT2 aligner
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Test pipeline with HISAT2 aligner.Params: --aligner hisat2
Assertion failed:
2 of 2 assertions failed
Raw output
Nextflow stdout:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 24.12.0-edge
Launching `/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/tests/../` [tender_tuckerman] DSL2 - revision: 85c9b75b8b
Downloading plugin [email protected]
[0;34m ___ __ __ __ ___ [0;32m/,-._.--~'[0m
[0;34m |\ | |__ __ / ` / \ |__) |__ [0;33m} {[0m
[0;34m | \| | \__, \__/ | \ |___ [0;32m\`-._,-`-,[0m
[0;35m nf-core/rnaseq 3.19.0dev[0m
[1mInput/output options[0m
[0;34minput : [0;32m[0m
[0;34moutdir : [0;32m/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/4d18bc7de18683904029cbca021c32d2/output[0m
[1mReference genome options[0m
[0;34mfasta : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mgtf : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mgff : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mtranscript_fasta : [0;32m[0m
[0;34madditional_fasta : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mhisat2_index : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mrsem_index : [0;32m[0m
[0;34msalmon_index : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mhisat2_build_memory : [0;32m3.GB[0m
[1mRead filtering options[0m
[0;34mbbsplit_fasta_list : [0;32m[0m
[1mUMI options[0m
[0;34mumitools_bc_pattern : [0;32mNNNN[0m
[1mAlignment options[0m
[0;34maligner : [0;32mhisat2[0m
[0;34mpseudo_aligner : [0;32msalmon[0m
[1mProcess skipping options[0m
[0;34mskip_bbsplit : [0;32mfalse[0m
[1mInstitutional config options[0m
[0;34mconfig_profile_name : [0;32mTest profile[0m
[0;34mconfig_profile_description : [0;32mMinimal test dataset to check pipeline function[0m
[1mGeneric options[0m
[0;34mpipelines_testdata_base_path: [0;32ms3://ngi-igenomes/testdata/nf-core/pipelines/rnaseq/3.15/[0m
[1mCore Nextflow options[0m
[0;34mrunName : [0;32mtender_tuckerman[0m
[0;34mcontainerEngine : [0;32mdocker[0m
[0;34mlaunchDir : [0;32m/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/4d18bc7de18683904029cbca021c32d2[0m
[0;34mworkDir : [0;32m/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/4d18bc7de18683904029cbca021c32d2/work[0m
[0;34mprojectDir : [0;32m/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq[0m
[0;34muserName : [0;32mrunner[0m
[0;34mprofile : [0;32mtest,docker[0m
[0;34mconfigFiles : [0;32m[0m
!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!
* The pipeline
* The nf-core framework
* Software dependencies
WARN: The following invalid input values have been detected:
* --modules_testdata_base_path: s3://ngi-igenomes/testdata/nf-core/modules/
WARN: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Both '--gtf' and '--gff' parameters have been provided.
Using GTF file as priority.
WARN: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'--transcript_fasta' parameter has been provided.
Make sure transcript names in this file match those in the GFF/GTF file.
Please see:
WARN: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When using '--additional_fasta <FASTA_FILE>' the aligner index will not
be re-built with the transgenes incorporated by default since you have
already provided an index via '--hisat2_index <INDEX>'.
Set '--additional_fasta <FASTA_FILE> --hisat2_index false --gene_bed false --save_reference'
to re-build the index with transgenes included and the index and gene BED file will be saved in
'results/genome/index/hisat2/' for re-use with '--hisat2_index'.
Ignore this warning if you know that the index already contains transgenes.
Please see:
WARN: The operator `first` is useless when applied to a value channel which returns a single value by definition
[a6/1640ce] Submitted process > NFCORE_RNASEQ:PREPARE_GENOME:UNTAR_HISAT2_INDEX (hisat2.tar.gz)
[bd/a0cc0f] Submitted process > NFCORE_RNASEQ:PREPARE_GENOME:GUNZIP_ADDITIONAL_FASTA (gfp.fa.gz)
[ae/dbc2e9] Submitted process > NFCORE_RNASEQ:PREPARE_GENOME:UNTAR_SALMON_INDEX (salmon.tar.gz)
ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'NFCORE_RNASEQ:PREPARE_GENOME:UNTAR_HISAT2_INDEX (hisat2.tar.gz)'
Caused by:
Process `NFCORE_RNASEQ:PREPARE_GENOME:UNTAR_HISAT2_INDEX (hisat2.tar.gz)` terminated with an error exit status (126)
Command executed:
mkdir hisat2
## Ensures --strip-components only applied when top level of tar contents is a directory
## If just files or multiple directories, place all in prefix
if [[ $(tar -taf hisat2.tar.gz | grep -o -P "^.*?\/" | uniq | wc -l) -eq 1 ]]; then
tar \
-C hisat2 --strip-components 1 \
-xavf \
hisat2.tar.gz \
tar \
-C hisat2 \
-xavf \
hisat2.tar.gz \
cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
untar: $(echo $(tar --version 2>&1) | sed 's/^.*(GNU tar) //; s/ Copyright.*$//')
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command error:
Unable to find image '' locally
22.04: Pulling from nf-core/ubuntu
9b857f539cb1: Pulling fs layer
9b857f539cb1: Verifying Checksum
9b857f539cb1: Download complete
9b857f539cb1: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:bd1487129c4e01470664c3f3c9a25ce01f73ff3df75ffa7eb3388d3d4b945369
Status: Downloaded newer image for
/bin/bash: line 10: Permission denied
Work dir:
Tip: you can try to figure out what's wrong by changing to the process work dir and showing the script file named ``
-- Check '/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/4d18bc7de18683904029cbca021c32d2/meta/nextflow.log' file for details
Execution cancelled -- Finishing pending tasks before exit
ERROR ~ Pipeline failed. Please refer to troubleshooting docs:
-- Check '/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/4d18bc7de18683904029cbca021c32d2/meta/nextflow.log' file for details
-[0;35m[nf-core/rnaseq][0;31m Pipeline completed with errors[0m-
Nextflow stderr:
Check failure on line 1 in Test pipeline with HISAT2 aligner
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Test pipeline with HISAT2 aligner.Params: --aligner hisat2 - stub
Assertion failed:
2 of 2 assertions failed
Raw output
Nextflow stdout:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 24.12.0-edge
Launching `/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/tests/../` [soggy_angela] DSL2 - revision: 85c9b75b8b
[0;34m ___ __ __ __ ___ [0;32m/,-._.--~'[0m
[0;34m |\ | |__ __ / ` / \ |__) |__ [0;33m} {[0m
[0;34m | \| | \__, \__/ | \ |___ [0;32m\`-._,-`-,[0m
[0;35m nf-core/rnaseq 3.19.0dev[0m
[1mInput/output options[0m
[0;34minput : [0;32m[0m
[0;34moutdir : [0;32m/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/3c3e5e5f2be7f195232887cd92f139dc/output[0m
[1mReference genome options[0m
[0;34mfasta : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mgtf : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mgff : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mtranscript_fasta : [0;32m[0m
[0;34madditional_fasta : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mhisat2_index : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mrsem_index : [0;32m[0m
[0;34msalmon_index : [0;32m[0m
[0;34mhisat2_build_memory : [0;32m3.GB[0m
[1mRead filtering options[0m
[0;34mbbsplit_fasta_list : [0;32m[0m
[1mUMI options[0m
[0;34mumitools_bc_pattern : [0;32mNNNN[0m
[1mAlignment options[0m
[0;34maligner : [0;32mhisat2[0m
[0;34mpseudo_aligner : [0;32msalmon[0m
[1mProcess skipping options[0m
[0;34mskip_bbsplit : [0;32mfalse[0m
[1mInstitutional config options[0m
[0;34mconfig_profile_name : [0;32mTest profile[0m
[0;34mconfig_profile_description : [0;32mMinimal test dataset to check pipeline function[0m
[1mGeneric options[0m
[0;34mpipelines_testdata_base_path: [0;32ms3://ngi-igenomes/testdata/nf-core/pipelines/rnaseq/3.15/[0m
[1mCore Nextflow options[0m
[0;34mrunName : [0;32msoggy_angela[0m
[0;34mcontainerEngine : [0;32mdocker[0m
[0;34mlaunchDir : [0;32m/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/3c3e5e5f2be7f195232887cd92f139dc[0m
[0;34mworkDir : [0;32m/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/3c3e5e5f2be7f195232887cd92f139dc/work[0m
[0;34mprojectDir : [0;32m/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq[0m
[0;34muserName : [0;32mrunner[0m
[0;34mprofile : [0;32mtest,docker[0m
[0;34mconfigFiles : [0;32m[0m
!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!
* The pipeline
* The nf-core framework
* Software dependencies
WARN: The following invalid input values have been detected:
* --modules_testdata_base_path: s3://ngi-igenomes/testdata/nf-core/modules/
WARN: nf-core pipelines do not accept positional arguments. The positional argument `true` has been detected.
HINT: A common mistake is to provide multiple values separated by spaces e.g. `-profile test, docker`.
WARN: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Both '--gtf' and '--gff' parameters have been provided.
Using GTF file as priority.
WARN: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'--transcript_fasta' parameter has been provided.
Make sure transcript names in this file match those in the GFF/GTF file.
Please see:
WARN: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When using '--additional_fasta <FASTA_FILE>' the aligner index will not
be re-built with the transgenes incorporated by default since you have
already provided an index via '--hisat2_index <INDEX>'.
Set '--additional_fasta <FASTA_FILE> --hisat2_index false --gene_bed false --save_reference'
to re-build the index with transgenes included and the index and gene BED file will be saved in
'results/genome/index/hisat2/' for re-use with '--hisat2_index'.
Ignore this warning if you know that the index already contains transgenes.
Please see:
WARN: The operator `first` is useless when applied to a value channel which returns a single value by definition
[de/70718c] Submitted process > NFCORE_RNASEQ:PREPARE_GENOME:GUNZIP_ADDITIONAL_FASTA (gfp.fa.gz)
Caused by:
Process `NFCORE_RNASEQ:PREPARE_GENOME:GUNZIP_ADDITIONAL_FASTA (gfp.fa.gz)` terminated with an error exit status (126)
Command executed:
touch gfp.fa
cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
gunzip: $(echo $(gunzip --version 2>&1) | sed 's/^.*(gzip) //; s/ Copyright.*$//')
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command error:
/bin/bash: line 10: Permission denied
Work dir:
Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option `-resume` to the run command line
-- Check '/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/3c3e5e5f2be7f195232887cd92f139dc/meta/nextflow.log' file for details
Execution cancelled -- Finishing pending tasks before exit
ERROR ~ Pipeline failed. Please refer to troubleshooting docs:
-- Check '/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/3c3e5e5f2be7f195232887cd92f139dc/meta/nextflow.log' file for details
ERROR ~ Cannot invoke "java.nio.file.Path.getFileSystem()" because "path" is null
-- Check script '/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/./subworkflows/local/utils_nfcore_rnaseq_pipeline/../../nf-core/utils_nfcore_pipeline/' at line: 97 or see '/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/3c3e5e5f2be7f195232887cd92f139dc/meta/nextflow.log' file for more details
-[0;35m[nf-core/rnaseq][0;31m Pipeline completed with errors[0m-
WARN: Killing running tasks (2)
WARN: Got an interrupted exception while taking agent result | java.lang.InterruptedException
ERROR ~ Pipeline failed. Please refer to troubleshooting docs:
-- Check '/home/runner/work/rnaseq/rnaseq/~/tests/3c3e5e5f2be7f195232887cd92f139dc/meta/nextflow.log' file for details
Nextflow stderr: