Web application to keep track current learning status, with the form similar to a Kanban board and the user can create new card with responsive notification.
You can take a look at the deployed project here: https://skil.netlify.app/
- React
- TypeScript
- Redux-toolkit
- TailwindCSS
- styled-components
- ExpressJS
- Mongoose
- Argon2
Database MongoDB
- Clean project structure for both client (React, Redux) and server (Express, MongoDB)
- Config NoSQL database (MongoDB), create schemas using ORM
- Understand MVC and REST API concepts
- Using utility-first CSS framework(TailwindCSS) to build responsive website (I like it very much!)
- Using Redux-toolkit and RTK Query for state management and do API calls.
- Basic setup for deployment to Heroku and Netlify
- Create shared cluster
- Choose "Connect" on newly created cluster
- Choose Node.js and version 4.1 or later
- Copy the connection string and replace "username" and "password" with credentials of the cluster
git clone "https://github.com/nguyenfamj/MERN_Skil.git"
cd server
npm install
# .env
<!-- Change MONGODB_URI value to your customized connection string -->
cd ..
cd client
npm install
npm run start
Enjoy the application!