new website to substitute the Flash version
- static page
- current page
- Flash site to HTML5
- Static pages
- Painter
- Ordering by email
- Price calculation per added element
- Store (payment on delivery only)
- Shopping cart
- Registration
- Database to store orders
- Payment options - bank transfer, online card payment
- Additional features
- Tags
- Similar items
- Content management functionalities
- Load lists from database - models, gallery, blog
- Add/edit model
- Add/edit posts
- Add/edit gallery
Pages list (public) - see concept_c.pdf
- Models (pre-defined per season) / default page
- Configurator / custom model
- Gallery
- Blog
- Q&A
- Contacts
- About us
- Shopping cart
Painter SVG section
- Create painting functionality
- hat loads with a certain design
- the user can modify the colors - when hovering over a stripe - a popup colour dial appears (centred on the cursor) - clicking a colour changes the hovered stripe color
- add remove elements - pompom, ear flaps
- When edit completed - a hat object is created/sent to cart and a screen-shot of the hat - price is calculated based on the hat object properties
- Create painting functionality
- Similar items - search in database by hat type, thickness, colors?
Admin page
- Add new model
- Add new post to blog
- Add new item in gallery
- Orders list
- users
- hat models
- orders
- posts
- gallery
// hat model properties { model: string, // Yoda, Thermos, custom size: enum, // xs, s, m, l, xl length: enum, // dependant on size - 21cm (to base of ear), shape: enum, // oval, round, ears, (not supported triangular) pompoms: number, lining: boolean, thickness: number, // 1, 2, 3 material: string // wool, cotton }
- /models - default (home)
- /models/:year or ?year=2019
- /models/:modelId or ?model=201901
- /configurator
- /gallery
- /gallery/:galleryItemId
- /blog
- /blog/:blogPostId
- /q&a
- /contacts
- /about
- Progressive web app
- manifest file
- cache resources with service worker - pages html, css, images
- TypeScript?
- React or Web components?
- CI / CD - Netlify?
- Unit tests
- Database - firebase or GraphQL?
- SEO - robots.txt?