Complete Collection of json files for the country subdivision from ISO 3166-2.
ISO 3166-2
$ukSubdivisions = \L91\ISO_3166_2\Subdivision::getSubdivisions('gb');
- subdivisions (all subdivisions by countrycode)
- countrycode (specific translations)
- subdivisions
- at.json (all subdivisions from austria in the default/country language)
- at
- en.json (english translated subdivisions)
Feel free to contribute by add translates and co. from the ISO-3166-2.
Progress | |
Subdivisions | |
Specific Translates |
Code Snippet to get the ISO from Wiki in Dev Tools
var obj = {};
$('.jquery-tablesorter tbody').eq(0).find('td:first-child').each(function() {
obj[$.trim($(this).text())] = $.trim($(this).next().text());
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4));