is an interactive commandline wiki. It
lets you easily maintain your docs/cheetsheets/notes using:
- Plain Text Files
- Write
in your local Editor - View in your local Pager
- Versioning with
cmddocs is like a framework around your plaintext files.
I kind of started cmddocs
because I couldn't find something like
this on the internet. Here's my usecase. Im working as a DevOps guy
being in touch with various types of software, languages, tools,
operating systems and databases. To remember all those things I need a
place to store commands, workflows and short howtos.
Most of the software I use (and love) runs on a OpenBSD Box on the internet and are commandline-based. These are mutt, taskwarrior, jrnl, weechat and so on...But i was missing a tool for documentation.
After switching to just plaintext files using
and git
it was also a bit annoying. So I wrote
to make it easier for me to handle my plaintext files.
uses the mistune lexer to
wrap markdown with ansi control sequences instead of html tags.
It looks something like this.
To give you an idea what it looks/feels like I created a short terminal recording.
pip install cmddocs
Also make sure you have tree installed.
Create .cmddocsrc
file in your $HOME with the following content
(adjust to your needs):
[General] Datadir = /home/noqqe/Docs Default_Commit_Message = small changes Excludedir = .git/ Editor = /usr/local/bin/vim # EditorFlags = -C Pager = /usr/bin/less PagerFlags = -fr Prompt = cmddocs> Promptcolor = 37 Intro_Message = cmddocs - press ? for help Mail = [email protected] Default_Extension = md [Colors] Header12 = 37 Header345 = 37 Codeblock = 92
The only required option is "Datadir", everything else will be guessed
or defaults to a sane default value. Once you start the CLI
will be shown. Use help
for commands.
At first, create a very minimal config, like
[General] Datadir = /home/noqqe/Docs Editor = /usr/local/bin/vim Pager = /usr/bin/less
Then you can start using cmddocs.
$ cmddocs cmddocs - press ? for help cmddocs> help Documented commands (type help <topic>): ======================================== EOF delete e help list mail pwd search undo cd diff edit info log move revert stats version d dirs exit l ls mv rm status view cmddocs> help l Show files in current working dir cmddocs> help log Show git logs of your docs. Usage: log # default loglines: 10) log 20 # show 20 loglines log 20 article # show log for specific article log databases/mongodb 3 # same
Change directory
Usage: cd Programming/ cd
Delete an article
Usage: delete databases/mongodb rm databases/mssql
Show directories in current working dir
Usage: dirs d dirs Databases/
Edit or create new article.
Usage: edit databases/mongodb edit intro
Show files in current working dir
Usage: list l list Databases/
Move an article to a new location
Usage: move databases/mongodb databases/MongoDB move life/foo notes/foo mv life/foo notes/foo
View an article. Creates temporary file with converted markdown to ansi colored output. Opens your PAGER. (Only less supported atm)
Usage: view databases/mongodb view intro
Mail an article to a friend
Usage: mail databases/mongodb Recipient: [email protected] mail programming/r/loops mail intro
Show current directory
Usage: pwd
Search for keyword in current directory
Usage: search mongodb search foo
You can revert your changes (use revert from git)
Usage: undo HEAD undo 355f375 Will ask for confirmation.
Show git diffs between files and commits
Usage: diff 7 # show diff for last 7 changes diff 1 article # show diff for last change to article diff # show last 5 diffs
Show infos for an article
Usage: info article info Databases/mongodb Created: 2014-01-18 11:18:03 +0100 Updated: 2015-10-23 14:14:44 +0200 Commits: 26 Lines: 116 Words: 356 Characters: 2438
Show git logs of your docs.
Usage: log # default loglines: 10) log 20 # show 20 loglines log 20 article # show log for specific article log databases/mongodb 3 # same
Show git repo status of your docs
Usage: status
Calculate some statistics on your docs
Usage: stats
Exit cmddocs
Usage: exit
List available commands with "help" or detailed help with "help cmd".
Show version of cmddocs
Usage: version
See Changelog.
See License.