If you want to use libpointmatcher in ROS or ROS 2, you can use the norlab mapping stack:
- libpointmatcher_ros allows the conversion of pointclouds from ROS message formats to a libpointmatcher-compatible format and provides a mapping node that is already functional and that can be customized using YAML configuration files to suite your needs.
- norlab_icp_mapper is a configurable mapping library relying on libpointmatcher for point cloud registration.
- norlab_icp_mapper_ros is a bridge between the mapper and ROS, providing message conversions to libpointmatcher compatible format.
Norlab also develops and maintain a number of other libraries for robotics and deep learning. Here's a non-exhaustive list:
- imu_odom estimates IMU poses based on ICP poses and accelerometer measurements. Useful when your robot doesn't have access to wheel odometry.
- norlab_controllers is a library with different control algorithms for using robots in the field.
- norlab_controllers_ros is a ROS wrapper for the controller library.