NOTE: I didn't do any of this code, the only thing i did was make it runnable on a local computer! Contact: Cooler#8190 How higher the resolution of the image gonna be how longer its gonna take!
☑️ MacOS Tester: Me
❌ Windows(It can work but you need to find a way to download exempi) Tester: lust#9408
❓ Linux(didnt test but it prob gonna work) Tester: Dm me if u wanna test it. Cooler#8190
You can also create a venv if you want! python3 -m venv env
First create a directory named models!
- Step 1(Install all the required files!):
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Step 2(Run
- Step 3(Choose setup workspace)
- Step 4(For the first time hit libs once the download is completed rerun and choose setup workspace again than type model and select a model from the list below, Some of them dont work!)
- Step 5: Once its downloaded from the main menu create a slot with option 3(example slot below)
- Step 6: You can now go to the main menu and run the art generator (choose the slot you want to use).
- Go to scripts/slots to manually edit the json files!
- You can join my discord.
Thats it my guy good luck. also you may need a go pc if you want it to be fast. How higher the resolution of the image gonna be how longer its gonna take!