Load stylesheets dynamically. Also scripts.
npm i @nowzoo/sheetload --save
Load a stylesheet...
import { Sheetload } from '@nowzoo/sheetload';
.then((el: HTMLLinkElement) => {
//links are disabled at this point...
el.removeAttribute(el, 'disabled')
.catch((error: any) => {
Load a script...
import { Scriptload } from '@nowzoo/sheetload';
.then((el: HTMLScriptElement) => {
.catch((error: any) => {
Loads a stylesheet, resolving with a newly created link
element when it loads.
Note: The element's disabled
attribute is set. You are responsible for enabling it:
this.renderer.removeAttribute(link, 'disabled');
Note: The element is appended to document.head
. You are responsible for tracking the link tags yourself to prevent duplication.
Loads a script, resolving with a newly created script
element when the script loads.
Note: The element is appended to document.head
. You are responsible for tracking the script elements yourself to prevent duplication.
Given an element, listens for load
and error
events. Resolves on load, rejects on error.
Contributions are welcome.
git clone https://github.com/nowzoo/sheetload.git
npm i
ng build sheetload --prod
The library code is located under projects/sheetload.
Testing the library...
ng test sheetload
You can also use Wallaby for testing. Use the config found at projects/sheetload/wallaby.js
Building the library...
ng build sheetload --prod
The demo code is in src. Run the demo locally...
# Build the current version of the library first...
ng build ngx-highlight-js --prod
ng serve --open