Powershell compiled executable gui for unlocking massive locked AD Users.
- Windows executable tool for unlocking any locked AD users.
(compiled from Powershell with PowerGUI Script Editor /free/)
The main logic is in one class, it accepts two different interface instances - cmdline one and Gui one - they result in two different exe files: UnlockADUsersCmdline_v.1.3.0.exe and UnlockADUsersGui_v.1.3.0.exe
The powershell source is in the code. It can be runned too - by UnlockUsers_2inf_Gui_start.ps1, UnlockUsers_2inf_Cmdline_start.ps1
For normal work, executing the exe or ps1 must be done by user with appropriate rights on AD. It can be done from the windows graphical or cmd interface
The interface is intuitive