- Angular
- Angular UI-Router
- NG-Redux
- Redux
- Babel
- Gulp
- Karma
- Node-SASS
- JSON-Server
- Webpack
npm install
npm install -g gulpjs/gulp-cli#4.0
The gulp tasks for this project require gulp v4-alpha. If you don't wish to globally install the v4 gulp-cli, you can run the gulp tasks using the locally installed gulp under ./node_modules/.bin
— for example:
./node_modules/.bin/gulp run
Executing the default gulp
command will:
- Build the project
- Start the server at localhost:7000
- Watch for changes to the source files and process changes
- Live-reload the browser
gulp test.watch
Executing gulp test.watch
- Run the test suites
- Watch for changes to the source files
- Re-run the tests whenever the sources are modified
For a single test run without auto-watch, execute gulp test