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Windows 安装方法 | Installation on Windows

sgalal edited this page Aug 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

Step 1: Install the Weasel IME

Install the Weasel IME from

Step 2: Install the Nushu input schema

  • Win + space 切换到小狼毫輸入法
    Click Win + space to switch to Weasel IME
  • 右击「中」字,选择「輸入法設定」
    Right click on the 中 symbol, and click 輸入法設定 (the first option)
  • 点击「獲取更多輸入方案」
    Click 獲取更多輸入方案
  • 在弹出的命令窗口中輸入 nushu-script/rime-nushu,然后按 Enter
    Enter nushu-script/rime-nushu in the console popup window. Then press Enter

由于小狼毫輸入法的 bug,需要额外做如下配置:

  • 右击「中」字,选择「用户文件夾」
    Right click on the 中 symbol, and click 用户文件夾 (the fourth option)
  • 找到 luna_pinyin_nushu.schema.yaml,在文件末尾加入如下內容:
    Find luna_pinyin_nushu.schema.yaml, and add the following content to the end of the file:
      font_face: Unicode Nushu

    其中 font_face 后面填写你电脑上有的女书字体,例如 Unicode Nushu
    In which font_face is the Nushu font available on your computer, for example, Unicode Nushu

Step 3: Enable the Nushu input schema

  • 关闭命令窗口,返回「輸入法設定」界面,勾选「女书」与「朙月拼音・女书」,然后点击「中」
    Close the console panel,return to the 輸入法設定 panel,and check 女书 and 朙月拼音・女书. Click 中 to apply the changes
  • 选择自己喜欢的主题,再点击「中」完成设置
    Select your favorite theme, and click 中 to complete the setup
  • 回到选单点击「重新部署」,等待程序处理词库数据
    Use the 重新部署 option in the option list to compile the installed schema libraries
  • Ctrl + `(注意是数字 1 左边的按键,不是单引号!),然后通过数字键选取「朙月拼音・女书」(你可能要按 = 翻页才会看到)
    Click Ctrl + ` (grave, the key on the top left corner, not to be confused with single quote) and select 朙月拼音・女书 by the number keys (You may need to navigate to the next page with =)