For the v1.21 firmware and Universal Control software.
- API: Rewritten the API and added more features.
- API: Name updates (ex. presets)
- StreamDeck: Fixed Virtual A / B routing bug
- StreamDeck: Added more assets.
- StreamDeck: Fixed wrong default values.
- Loupedeck: New plugin with all the current features.
- this is a test application for
- Stream Deck pluginRevelator.io24.TouchPortal.tpp
- Touch Portal plugin.Revelator.io24.Loupedeck.lplug4
- Loupedeck plugin.
- Route changes
- Headphone select
- FatChannel toggle
- Preset changes
- Volume (Touch Portal, Loupedeck and Test App)
- Monitoring (Test App only)
- Solo, mono, link, +48V, blend, reverb, etc. (Test App only)
- Clip and HW mute status (Test App only)
Known issues:
- API: Single device only, multiple connected equals undefined behaviour (I only have one device, so I am not able to test this).
- API: Not working with firmware other than 1.21
- API: Must run on same computer as interface (no network support)
- API: Monitoring values is only approx the same as Universal Control
- Windows only (but it could be possible to create mac version also if needed)