Amalgam is websocket server created for supplied all the processes to run a video game inspired in Triple Triad.
Amalgam supplies the backend side. You can get the front here:
Amalgam Dev Tools is a project that was maked with the idea to facilitied the necesary tools to develop in Amalgam and Amalgam Front.
To run this proyect correctly you need to prepare your local machine:
- Debian Buster or greather.
- Php version greather or equal to 7.3.
- php-xml extension.
- php-curl extension.
- php-memcached extension.
- php-intl extension.
- php-mysql extension.
- Memcached, last version.
- Mariadb, last version.
- Composer, last version.
In the root directory run:
composer install
- You must to set the host and the port for your memcached service in config/cache.yaml file. Example:
# This file containt the cache configuration data
connection: 'memcached://amalgam_memcached:11211'
compression: true
serializer: 'igbinary'
- You must to set the database configuration in config/packages/dev/doctrine.yaml file. Example:
# Template Example:
url: mysql://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}
# Live Example
url: mysql://amalgam:amalgam@amalgam_mariadb:3306/amalgam
If you need more information you probably would like to check the symfony documentation:
The websocket server runs on 8080 port number. At the moment, the port number is a hardcoded value. To start the server execute the custom ws:start command in the root directory:
php bin\console ws:start
If you build the fronted application and you want to use ssl or the PWA feature, you must to set Websocket connection using ssl.
You can get your certificates for free. Let’s Encryp
sudo ssl a2enmod proxy proxy_balancer proxy_wstunnel proxy_http
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www/{route_to_front_app}
<Directory "/var/www/{route_to_front_app}">
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /{route_to__your_app_certificates_folder}/cert.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /{route_to__your_app_certificates_folder/privkey.pem
SSLCertificateChainFile /{route_to__your_app_certificates_folder/fullchain.pem
ProxyPass /wss2/ ws://