NeMo is a toolkit for creating Conversational AI applications.
The toolkit comes with extendable collections of pre-built modules and ready-to-use models for:
- Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Speech synthesis, or Text-To-Speech (TTS)
Built for speed, NeMo can utilize NVIDIA's Tensor Cores and scale out training to multiple GPUs and multiple nodes.
- Python 3.6 or above
- Pytorch 1.7.1 or above
Use this installation mode if you want the latest released version.
apt-get update && apt-get install -y libsndfile1 ffmpeg
pip install Cython
pip install nemo_toolkit[all]==1.0.0b3
Use this installation mode if you want the a version from particular GitHub branch (e.g main).
apt-get update && apt-get install -y libsndfile1 ffmpeg
pip install Cython
python -m pip install git+{BRANCH}#egg=nemo_toolkit[all]
Use this installation mode if you are contributing to NeMo.
apt-get update && apt-get install -y libsndfile1 ffmpeg
git clone
cd NeMo
The easiest way to start training with NeMo is by using NeMo's container. It has all requirements and NeMo 1.0.0rc1 already installed.
docker run --gpus all -it --rm --shm-size=8g \
-p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit \
stack=67108864 --device=/dev/snd
If you chose to work with main branch, we recommend using NVIDIA's PyTorch container version 20.11-py3 and then installing from GitHub.
docker run --gpus all -it --rm -v <nemo_github_folder>:/NeMo --shm-size=8g \
-p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit \
stack=67108864 --device=/dev/snd
Simplest application with NeMo. (runs in Google Colab, no local installation necessary)
Lots of other examples in "Examples" folder.
Version | Status | Description |
Latest | Documentation of the latest (i.e. main) branch | |
Stable | Documentation of the stable (i.e. v1.0.0b1) branch |
FAQ can be found on NeMo's Discussions board. You are welcome to ask questions or start discussions there.
The best way to get started with NeMo is to checkout one of our tutorials.
Most NeMo tutorials can be run on Google's Colab.
To run tutorials:
- Click on Colab link (see table below)
- Connect to an instance with a GPU (Runtime -> Change runtime type -> select "GPU" for hardware accelerator)
Domain | Title | GitHub URL |
NeMo | Simple Application with NeMo | Voice swap app |
NeMo | Exploring NeMo Fundamentals | NeMo primer |
NeMo Models | Exploring NeMo Model Construction | NeMo models |
ASR | ASR with NeMo | ASR with NeMo |
ASR | ASR with Subword Tokenization | ASR with Subword Tokenization |
ASR | Speech Commands | Speech commands |
ASR | Speaker Recognition and Verification | Speaker Recognition and Verification |
ASR | Online Noise Augmentation | Online noise augmentation |
ASR | Beam Search and External Language Model Rescoring | Beam search and external language model rescoring |
NLP | Using Pretrained Language Models for Downstream Tasks | Pretrained language models for downstream tasks |
NLP | Exploring NeMo NLP Tokenizers | NLP tokenizers |
NLP | Text Classification (Sentiment Analysis) with BERT | Text Classification (Sentiment Analysis) |
NLP | Question answering with SQuAD | Question answering Squad |
NLP | Token Classification (Named Entity Recognition) | Token classification: named entity recognition |
NLP | Joint Intent Classification and Slot Filling | Joint Intent and Slot Classification |
NLP | GLUE Benchmark | GLUE benchmark |
NLP | Punctuation and Capitialization | Punctuation and capitalization |
NLP | Named Entity Recognition - BioMegatron | Named Entity Recognition - BioMegatron |
NLP | Relation Extraction - BioMegatron | Relation Extraction - BioMegatron |
TTS | Speech Synthesis | TTS inference |
TTS | Speech Synthesis | Tacotron2 training |
Tools | CTC Segmentation | CTC Segmentation |
Tools | Text Normalization for Text To Speech | Text Normalization |
We welcome community contributions! Please refer to the for the process.
NeMo is under Apache 2.0 license.