Given aligned reads in bam format, this workflow will backextract to generate fastq files based on the readgroups. By default, the files are named based on the readgroup IDs, but a custom naming scheme based on other readgroup fields can be provided. This takes the form of mixing text with {FD} symbols, where FD is a readgroup FD (SM, PU, etc)
java -jar cromwell.jar run bamToFastq.wdl --inputs inputs.json
Parameter | Value | Description |
bamFile |
File | A BAM file with one or more readgroups |
outputFilePrefix |
String | prefix to use to identify bam summary files |
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
finalOutputDirectory |
String | "" | Optional final output directory. Copy out fastq files using a task |
fileNaming |
String | "{ID}" | The naming scheme for the extracted FASTQs |
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
examineBam.memory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated for this job |
examineBam.timeout |
Int | 12 | Time in hours before task timeout |
examineBam.modules |
String | "samtools/1.16.1" | Required environment modules |
nameCheck.modules |
String | "samtools/1.16.1" | Required environment modules |
nameCheck.memory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated for this job |
nameCheck.timeout |
Int | 12 | Time in hours before task timeout |
unsortBam.memory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated for this job |
unsortBam.timeout |
Int | 12 | Time in hours before task timeout |
unsortBam.modules |
String | "samtools/1.16.1" | Required environment modules |
backExtractByRG.modules |
String | "picard/2.21.2" | Required environment modules |
backExtractByRG.memory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated for this job |
backExtractByRG.timeout |
Int | 96 | Time in hours before task timeout |
haveCustomDirRename.modules |
String | "" | Required environment modules |
haveCustomDirRename.memory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated for this job |
haveCustomDirRename.timeout |
Int | 12 | Time in hours before task timeout |
haveCustomDirReview.modules |
String | "fastqc/0.11.9" | Required environment modules |
haveCustomDirReview.memory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated for this job |
haveCustomDirReview.timeout |
Int | 12 | Time in hours before task timeout |
copyOutFastq.memory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated for this job |
copyOutFastq.timeout |
Int | 12 | Time in hours before task timeout |
composeLog.memory |
Int | 4 | Memory allocated for this job |
composeLog.timeout |
Int | 2 | Time in hours before task timeout |
noCustomDirRename.modules |
String | "" | Required environment modules |
noCustomDirRename.memory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated for this job |
noCustomDirRename.timeout |
Int | 12 | Time in hours before task timeout |
noCustomDirReview.modules |
String | "fastqc/0.11.9" | Required environment modules |
noCustomDirReview.memory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated for this job |
noCustomDirReview.timeout |
Int | 12 | Time in hours before task timeout |
summarize.memory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated for this job |
summarize.timeout |
Int | 12 | Time in hours before task timeout |
Output | Type | Description | Labels |
bamFileFlagstat |
File | A TXT file containing flag information about the BAM file | vidarr_label: bamFileFlagstat |
fastqc |
Array[File]? | An optional array of FastQC report files | vidarr_label: fastqc |
fastqs |
Array[File]? | An optional array of fastq.gz files | vidarr_label: fastqs |
summary |
File | Summary file generated by processing fastQC and samstat report data | vidarr_label: summary |
copyLog |
File? | log file from copy out task, provisioned if a custom output dir requested | vidarr_label: copyLog |
This section lists command(s) run by bamToFastq workflow
- Running bamToFastq
Given aligned reads in bam format, this workflow will backextract to generate fastq files based on the readgroups. By default, the files are named based on the readgroup IDs, but a custom naming scheme based on other readgroup fields can be provided. This takes the form of mixing text with {FD} symbols, where FD is a readgroup FD (SM, PU, etc)
samtools sort --threads 8 -n ~{bamFileToSort} -O bam -o unsorted.bam
This runs samtools, collecting read group data and stats
set -euo pipefail
samtools view -H ~{bamFile} | grep -G "^@RG" > readgroups.tsv
samtools stats --threads 8 ~{bamFile} > ~{prefix}.samstats.txt
Use read groups from the input bam file and naming schema so that the names for the outputs are unique.
samtools view -H ~{bamFile} | grep -G "^@RG" > readgroups.tsv
import difflib
import re
with open(r"readgroups.tsv",'r') as rg_data:
rg =
fileNaming = "~{fileNaming}"
def validate(valid="true"):
isValid = open("isValid.txt", 'w')
# Check No. 1:
# Comparing RG tags from readgroups file and fileNaming
# Exits if a tag is missing
inputs = re.findall(r"[^{\}]+(?=})", fileNaming)
tags = list(set(re.findall(r"[^\t:]+(?=:)", rg)))
if all(i in tags for i in inputs) == False:
print("FAILED: Missing input tag")
d = difflib.Differ()
diff =, inputs)
errorMessage = '\n'.join(diff)
raise ValueError("Input tag does not exist:" + '\n' + errorMessage)
# Check No. 2:
# Predicting modified file name:
# Exits if non-unique names are created
rgArray = []
dictArray = []
for line in rg.splitlines():
data = line[1:].split()
for row in rgArray:
del row[0]
for i in range(len(row)):
k = row[i].split(":")
row[i] = k
dictArray.append({row[i][0]: row[i][1] for i in range(len(row))})
fastqNames = []
rgData = {}
for j in range(len(dictArray)):
idData = []
for readNum in [1, 2]:
newName = fileNaming.format_map(dictArray[j])
predictedFileName = f"{newName}_{readNum}.fastq.gz"
if predictedFileName in fastqNames:
raise ValueError("File name results in non-unique names")
We use picard tools for this (SamToFastq)
java -Xmx20g -jar $PICARD_ROOT/picard.jar SamToFastq \
INPUT=~{bamFile} \
NON_PF=true \
ls *.fastq.gz > outfilenames
the default naming scheme is to use the RG IDs. If an alternate naming pattern was provided then files will be renamed
import os
import ast
import re
rgData = ast.literal_eval("~{rgData}")
f = "~{sep=' ' rawFastqs}"
fastqs = f.split()
for fastq in fastqs:
path = os.getcwd()
## get the filename, without the extension
fastqID = re.sub(".fastq.gz","",os.path.basename(fastq))
# determines read number
readNum = int(fastqID[-1])
### get rid of the last two characters _N
fastqID = fastqID[:-2]
### get the new name from the rgData dictionary
newName = rgData[fastqID][(readNum-1)]
### format the file name
formattedFileName = f"{path}/{newName}"
### rename the files
os.rename(fastq, formattedFileName)
ls *.fastq.gz > outfilenames
## run fastqc, this will generate an html report and zipped files, all in the working directory
fastqc ~{fastq} --outdir .
### locate the data file in the zipped output
datafile=`unzip -l ~{id} | grep fastqc_data | sed 's/.* //'`
### pull the text data out to a file
unzip -p ~{id} $datafile > ~{id}_fastqc_data.txt
ls *fastqc* > outfilenames
ls *fastqc_data* > datafilenames
### samstats
bamtotal=`cat ~{samstats} | grep ^SN | cut -f 2- | grep "raw total sequences:" | cut -f2`
bampaired=`cat ~{samstats} | grep ^SN | cut -f 2- | grep "reads paired:" | cut -f2`
lnavg=`cat ~{samstats}| grep ^SN | cut -f 2- | grep "average length:" | cut -f2`
lnmax=`cat ~{samstats}| grep ^SN | cut -f 2- | grep "maximum length:" | cut -f2`
insertsize=`cat ~{samstats} | grep ^SN | cut -f 2- | grep "insert size average:" | cut -f2`
echo "INPUT bam file stats" > "~{id}.summary.txt"
echo -e "bam total\t$bamtotal" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
echo -e "bam paired\t$bampaired" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
echo -e "bam mean readlength\t$lnavg" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
echo -e "bam max readlength\t$lnmax" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
echo -e "bam insertsize\t$insertsize" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
echo "" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
echo "fastq ReadCounts" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
files="~{sep=' ' fastqc}"
for f in $files
id=`basename $f "_fastqc_data.txt"`
count=`cat $f | grep "Total Sequences" | cut -f2`
echo -e "$id\t$count" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
totalreads=$(($totalreads + $count))
echo -e "fastq total\t$totalreads" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
echo "" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
echo "fastq Sequence Length Distributions" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
for f in $files
id=`basename $f "_fastqc_data.txt"`
echo $id >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
cat $f | grep "Sequence Length Distribution" -A 999999999 | grep "Sequence Duplication Levels" -B 999999999 | grep -v ">>" >> "~{id}.summary.txt"
set -euxo pipefail
if [[ -e ~{outputDir} && -d ~{outputDir} ]]; then
cp ~{Fastq} ~{outputDir}
echo "File ~{basename(Fastq)} copied to ~{outputDir}"
echo "Final Output Directory was not configured, ~{basename(Fastq)} was not provisioned properly"
python3 <<CODE
import json
import re
m_lines = re.split(",", "~{sep=',' messages}")
with open("copy_out.log", "w") as log:
for line in m_lines:
log.write(line + "\n")
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