经过半年多时间的开发准备,我们很高兴地宣布 TinyEngine 2.0 版本的正式发布,2.0 是一次重大更新,这个新的版本带来了诸多新特性与改进,旨在提升TinyEngine基础能力及二次开发体验,同时为后续未来迭代奠定了坚实的基础。
v2.0 版本中,可以直接引入TinyEngine NPM包来创建自己的设计器项目,相比之前只能clone源码二次开发方式开发起来更方便友好;同时提供 @opentiny/tiny-engine-cli 工具,通过简单的一行命令就能快速生成基于 TinyEngine 的低代码平台项目和TinyEngine插件。
可以查看 TinyEngine低代码引擎2.0新特性介绍了解新特性内容与后续计划。
要进一步了解有关 TinyEngine2.0 的更多信息,可以查看我们的文档网站。
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat:增加物料:TinyDatePicker和TinyNumeric by @stwflyfox in #399
- Feat provide eslint prettier modify config by @rhlin in #385
- feat(canvasApi): use canvasApi to access canvas methods by @chilingling in #425
- feat(vue-dsl): add app generate code by @chilingling in #178
- build: 公共依赖cdn解耦并增加开关控制 by @rhlin in #360
- feat(registry): metapp in registry support configuration in array format by @gene9831 in #625
- feat: optimize material group by @hexqi in #765
- feat: page management and block ui redesign by @lichunn in #740
- feat:sort out the status and API of the layout by @lichunn in #736
- feat: labelPosition support 'auto' by @gene9831 in #835
- feat: customized canvas entry by @yy-wow in #850
- feat: remove generate code from mock server by @chilingling in #823
- feat: Editor full screen with title, close button, and examples by @lichunn in #866
- feat: editorInfo migrate to globalService by @chilingling in #702
- feat(style-panel): modify this style-panel styles(样式面板交互与样式调整) by @betterdancing in #853
- Feat: add refresh life cycles(刷新工具插件增加生命周期、增加画布标识,控制是否允许拖拽、选中组件、允许原生事件触发等)by @yy-wow in #898
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(settings): fix text wrap of bind condition by @xiejay97 in #391
- fix(datasource): data type icon invisible #312 by @zeyongTsai in #332
- fix(build): 修复构建设计器产物 ref 值未转化的 bug by @chilingling in #347
- fix(preview): fix preview vue-repl unsupport jsx bug by @chilingling in #343
- fix(material): elTable formatter should be function type by @chilingling in #355
- fix(scrollbar): fix robot plugin scrollbar hide almost all scrollbar bug by @chilingling in #340
- fix(errorMonitor): add config for errormonitor by @chilingling in #381
- fix(controller-environment): preserve import.meta.env variable when b… by @chilingling in #380
- fix(material): add buttonComponentsMap config by @chilingling in #395
- fix(demo-data): 修复官方 demo 页面底部确认购买模块移动端设备宽度下被遮住的场景 by @CatsAndMice in #398
- fix(err-monitor): stop monitoring if monitorurl not exist by @chilingling in #423
- fix(chore): fix some vue warining on console by @chilingling in #421
- fix(controller): build with env variable by @chilingling in #420
- fix: 修复画布组件嵌套拖拽的问题 by @gene9831 in #364
- fix: 修复画布设置成自由布局后无法拖动drag-resize改变宽高的问题 by @gene9831 in #393
- fix(canvas): wrapper runner render context initialization with function #161 by @rhlin in #426
- fix(dsl-page):修复本地运行中对于props属性引用utils出码报错的问题 by @wenmine in #346
- fix(plugin-dataSource): 修复数据源面板新增时未校验名称的重复性 by @ianxinnew in #434
- fix: 修改滚动到节点的逻辑,适配超宽超高组件 by @gene9831 in #428
- fix(data-source): on configuring static data panel, the batch delete button should horizontally aligned. by @betterdancing in #413
- (style-position)修复样式定位reset后未恢复默认值 by @ianxinnew in #433
- fix(chore): fix vue version of 3.4.24 caught tiny-select component error by @chilingling in #445
- 修复918.json mock数据不一致问题 by @lu-yg in #452
- fix(block-diff): 修复区块发布是查看差异保存时schema出错的bug by @betterdancing in #453
- fix(reset-button): 修复样式配置中重置按钮的样式和设计稿不一致的问题; by @betterdancing in #435
- fix: 修复画布行列容器组件中的分割工具位置错误的问题 by @gene9831 in #458
- fix: 行列容器组件纵向分割大于2的时候报错 by @gene9831 in #474
- fix: 事件绑定JSX函数时,函数解析报错 by @gene9831 in #441
- fix(setup): add controller to prebuild before start local develop by @chilingling in #493
- fix(build): 修复@babel/template解析占位符时报错问题 by @zzcr in #500
- fix(build): 将generate-comments插件移入devDependencies by @zzcr in #504
- fix: preserve import.meta.env when compile design-core by @chilingling in #606
- fix: fix variable configurator missing problem by @gene9831 in #645
- fix: width of i18n plugin is not enough by @gene9831 in #773
- fix: add packages desc for lerna by @chilingling in #655
- fix: github action build too slow by @gene9831 in #779
- fix: optimize block and material scalability issue by @hexqi in #788
- fix: add block panel can't open by @chilingling in #827
- fix: add missing deps by @chilingling in #821
- fix: add style import to bundle by @chilingling in #838
- fix: improve the style priority of overwriting tinyvue by @James-9696 in #848
- fix: canvas srcdoc by @yy-wow in #856
- fix: cli generate platform issue by @chilingling in #859
- fix: catch script error by @yy-wow in #858
- fix: preview error by @yy-wow in #862
- fix: del unnecessary scripts(删除冗余的 script 命令) by @chilingling in #849
- fix: 调整编辑器样式(编辑器样式显示行数以及收缩展开按钮)by @lichunn in #901
- fix:missing outline tree eyes icon (修复大纲树眼睛换行不可见的 bug) by @lichunn in #900
- Feat: add refresh life cycles(修复源码调试找不到 canvas/render 包的问题)by @yy-wow in #898
- 调整按钮间距 fix: modify button padding by @James-9696 in #894
- 修复Monaco编辑器光标错乱的 bug fix: monaco editor cursor mismatch caused css font-size by @chilingling in #905
- 增加页面预览 i18n 数据的容错能力 fix: preview compatibility i18n is null by @lichunn in #912
- 修复物料面板固定失效的 bug fix: fix materials panel by @yy-wow in #909
- 修复设置面板二级面板过长时滚动失效的 bug by @lichunn in #903
- 修复多个插件的UI交互问题 by @lichunn in #884
- 同步物料到 cli 模板 fix: sync material to cli by @chilingling in #921
- builtin 物料改成 mjs 产物 feat: builtinComp output mjs format @chilingling in #918
- 修复画布切换选择组件后,高级面板事件列表仍然显示原组件事件列表的bug @chilingling in #921
- 修复数据源批量删除后,批量删除按钮没有被禁用的 bug @ianxinnew in #795
- 修复 mockService 区块详情缺失 data 嵌套结构导致无法正确加载的 bug @chilingling in #818
- fix: page or block save update breadcrumb uncorrectly @chilingling in #820
- 修复页面名称更新时,面包屑页名称没有同步更新的 bug
- 修复区块保存更新时,强行切换当前画布到正在编辑区块的 bug
- 修复区块保存更新时,如果画布不是当前编辑的区块,仍取截图的 bug
- feat(vue-generator): add public floder, support image generation 出码支持 favicon.ico @zhengjg in #660
- fix(block): 新建区块保存后发布区块,发布无效 @betterdancing @chilingling in #438
- fix:table slot edit params should not get alert 表格Grid编辑参数时,不应弹出关闭插槽弹窗 @ianxinnew @chilingling in #802
- fix: change namespace 2 export module vue-generator 类型改为到处 module @chilingling in #837
- fix: blockName regexp incorrect 修复区块正则校验问题 @chilingling in #852
- fix: datasource remote result could not reshow again after edit 修复远程数据源面板请求结果输入框在编辑之后,重新点击发送请求,如果请求结果一样,无法重新填充到请求结果输入框的 bug @chilingling in #847
- 修复 popeditor 导出名称配置错误的 bug @lichunn in #881
- 修复出码解析模板配置错误的 bug @chilingling in #880
- fix: The lock api does not call pageService's update method correctly @ZIA-Hans in #883
Other Changes
- refactor: 解决子包循环依赖问题 by @hexqi in #313
- docs: add project name to issue template by @kagol in #335
- fix(chore): exclude vue-generator expected folder codecheck by @chilingling in #496
- feat: add capability of add custom metaComponents by @chilingling in #528
- feat: add generate code service by @chilingling in #608
- feat(theme): component style && common theme by @wenmine in #814
- Refactoring useHttp to httpService by @yy-wow in #886
New Contributors
- @zeyongTsai made their first contribution in #332
- @kagol made their first contribution in #335
- @yuhkikele made their first contribution in #389
- @stwflyfox made their first contribution in #399
- @CatsAndMice made their first contribution in #398
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.4...v2.0.0