A basic browser-based remote control for Spotify, optimised for mobile and desktop browsers
Should work on a mac that has Spotify, Apache and PHP.
Just copy these files into a local mac web server
If it doesn't work (possibly with error 10810) then you might need to run it via MAMP
- Play/Pause
- Next Track
- Previous Track
- Change volume
- Artist
- Track
- Album
- Time elapsed
- Total time
- Album artwork
- https://github.com/ferranselles/My-Geeklets/blob/5b017b7b7ba9d293badcf034bae206ba36f905b3/spotify/spotify.applescript
- https://github.com/alexandernilsson/Moody/blob/master/Moody.applescript
- http://www.leancrew.com/all-this/2011/07/spotify-info-on-the-desktop-via-nerdtool/
- http://blog.lifeupnorth.co.uk/post/8311267208/spotify-and-applescript
- http://www.macosxtips.co.uk/geeklets/music/spotify-now-playing/
- https://github.com/swinton/spotipy