mintjs 1.0.0-alpha.3
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @origyn-sa/mintjs@1.0.0-alpha.3
Install via package.json:
"@origyn-sa/mintjs": "1.0.0-alpha.3"
About this version
In order to have a complete installation of the required packages, you will need to setup a personal access token with repo
and read:packages
access. You will need this access token in order to use it as a password when running:
npm login --registry= --scope=@origyn-sa
npm i @origyn-sa/mintjs
If you have a local repository of the mint.js code, you can make npm point to its build using:
npm i <path-to-mint-js>
Start by importing the mintjs
in your code.
import { getNftBalance } from '@origyn-sa/mintjs';
Now, we can call the getNftBalance
method anywhere in the code.
For instance, let's try to get the balance of NFTs in our wallet by passing our principal as a string. The principal
argument can be both a string
or a Principal
type from @dfinity/principal
const response = getNftBalance(principal.toText());
if (response.ok) console.log(response.ok.nfts);
else console.log(`There was an error while getting the balance: ${response.err}`);
Mint.js servers both Node and Web contexts. Using this in a front-end application will require a few polyfills in order to specify browserified versions of a few packages.
Example for a webpack configuration:
module.exports = (env, argv) => ({
resolve: {
fallback: {
fs: false,
path: false,
crypto: require.resolve('crypto-browserify'),
stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'),
- 🔗 Initialization
🎬 Staging & Minting
- stageCollection(StageConfigArgs) ⇒
Promise<OrigynResponse<string[], GetNftErrors>>
- stageNfts(StageNftsArgs) ⇒
Promise<OrigynResponse<string[], GetNftErrors>>
- stageNftUsingMetadata(metadata: any) ⇒
Promise<OrigynResponse<string[], GetNftErrors>>
- stageLibraryAsset(files: StageFile[], tokenId?: string) ⇒
Promise<OrigynResponse<string[], GetNftErrors>>
- stageNewLibraryAsset(files: StageFile[], useProxy: boolean = false, tokenId?: string) ⇒
Promise<OrigynResponse<string[], GetNftErrors>>
- mintNft(tokenId: string, principal: Principal) ⇒
Promise<OrigynResponse<any, GetNftErrors>>
- stageCollection(StageConfigArgs) ⇒
🦾 Communication Functions
- getCollectionLibrary(libraryId)
- getCollectionLibraries()
- getNft(token)
- getNftBalance(principal)
- getNftHistory(tokenId, start, end)
- getNftLibrary(tokenId, libraryId)
- getNftLibraries(tokenId)
- updateLibraryMetadata(tokenId: string, libraryId: string, data: Record<string, string | number | boolean>) ⇒
The mint.js library is using a singleton in order to provide global configuration and access to canister configuration.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
isProd | boolean |
true | Set to false if we want to interact with a local replica canister (will use http://localhost:8080 when creating the agent, if only identity was provided for auth ) |
canisterId | string |
ORIGYN_CANISTER | Id of the canister to communicate with. |
auth | AuthType |
{} |
Optional parameter providing either an actor , an identity or an agent . If no parameter is provided, anonymous identity will be created. |
Authenticate using the seed phrase:
const auth = {
key: {
const IS_PROD = true;
const CANISTER_ID = 'frfol-iqaaa-aaaaj-acogq-cai';
await OrigynClient.getInstance().init(IS_PROD, CANISTER_ID, auth);
Authenticate using the .pem
file, it can be either ed25519
or sec256k1
private key:
const auth = {
key: {
identityFile: './path/to/identity.pem',
const IS_PROD = true;
const CANISTER_ID = 'frfol-iqaaa-aaaaj-acogq-cai';
await OrigynClient.getInstance().init(IS_PROD, CANISTER_ID, auth);
🌐 Check the web example where we handle the upload of the .pem file. /examples/ReactStageComponent.tsx#191
The auth
object can have multiple ways to create an actor for the canister.
type AuthType = {
actor?: ActorSubclass<any>,
identity?: Identity,
agent?: HttpAgent,
key?: PrivateIdentityKey,
type PrivateIdentityKey = {
identityFile?: Buffer | string,
seed?: string,
We can dynamically change the principal which calls the methods within OrigynClient by changing the principal
Param | Type | Default | Description |
principal |
string or Principal
The id of the principal or the object (as Principal ). |
Returns: Principal
- The current principal within the OrigynCleint
We can use mint.js in order to stage NFT collections to the canister we initialized OrigynClient for. In order to do this, the Identity that was used to initialize OrigynClient needs to be the controller of the canister.
Name | Type | Description |
environment | 'local' or 'prod' |
Whether the environment we want to stage to is local or production. |
nftCanisterId | string |
Id of the canister, should be the same as the initalized canister |
collectionId | string |
What id we want the collection to have |
collectionDisplayName | string |
Collection name |
tokenPrefix | string |
Prefix for NFTs in the collection |
creatorPrincipal | string |
The creator of the collection |
soulbound | boolean |
Wheter the NFTs are soulbound or not |
collectionFiles | CollectionLevelFile[] |
The files we want to upload at the collection level |
nfts | StageNft[] |
The NFTs we want to append to the collection |
type StageNft = {
collectionFileReferences?: string[],
files: StageFile[],
quantity?: number,
type CollectionLevelFile = StageFile & {
category: 'collection' | 'stage' | 'dapp',
export type StageFile = {
assetType?: AssetType,
filename: string,
index?: number,
path: string,
rawFile?: Buffer,
size?: number,
type?: string,
title?: string,
libraryId?: string,
contentType?: string,
webUrl?: string,
immutable?: boolean,
For examples, please check the test file of stage method (for node context) or /examples folder from the repository for web context.
Stage a single NFT or multiple NFTs contained in the nfts
array after the collection was already created.
Name | Type | Description |
soulbound | boolean |
Wheter the NFTs are soulbound or not |
useProxy | boolean |
Wheter to use the proxy or not |
nfts | StageNft[] |
The NFTs we want to append to the collection |
await OrigynClient.getInstance().init(false, 'rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai', { key: { seed: WALLET_SEED } });
const examplePayload = {
isProxy: true,
soulbound: false,
nfts: [
quantity: 1,
files: [
filename: 'file_name.jpg',
index: 0,
path: '/home/user/Desktop/file_name.jpg.jpg',
const stageAssetResult = await stageNfts(examplePayload);
Stage a single NFT by passing raw metadata as argument. This is being used when staging an NFT which does not follow the standard.
await OrigynClient.getInstance().init(false, 'rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai', { key: { seed: WALLET_SEED } });
const payload = {
metadata: {
Class: [
{ name: 'id', value: { Text: 'my-nft-1' }, immutable: true },
name: 'owner',
value: { Principal: 'rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai' },
immutable: false,
name: 'is_soulbound',
value: { Bool: false },
immutable: false,
const stagingResult = await stageNftUsingMetadata(payload);
stageNewLibraryAsset(files: StageFile[], useProxy: boolean = false, tokenId?: string) ⇒ Promise<OrigynResponse<string[], GetNftErrors>>
Stages a new library asset for an already staged NFT. Use this when the library is not already in the NFT Metadata. This wil also create the library meta and inject it into the NFT metadata.
await OrigynClient.getInstance().init(false, 'rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai', { key: { seed: WALLET_SEED } });
const payload = {
tokenId: 'token-0', // This is the token id of the NFT we want to append library to
files: [
filename: 'file_name.jpg',
index: 0,
path: '/home/user/Desktop/file_name.jpg.jpg',
const stage_asset = await stageLibraryAsset(payload.files, payload.tokenId);
Note: The library
field of the NFT Metadata needs to be true
in order to be able to stage library assets after minting.
stageLibraryAsset(files: StageFile[], tokenId?: string) ⇒ Promise<OrigynResponse<string[], GetNftErrors>>
Stages a library asset for an already staged NFT. Use this for new libraries and existing libraries (the library is already in the NFT Metadata).
await OrigynClient.getInstance().init(false, 'rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai', { key: { seed: WALLET_SEED } });
const payload = {
tokenId: 'token-0', // This is the token id of the NFT we want to append library to
files: [
filename: 'file_name.jpg',
index: 0,
path: '/home/user/Desktop/file_name.jpg.jpg',
const stage_asset = await stageLibraryAsset(payload.files, payload.tokenId);
"name": "library",
"value": {
"Array": {
"thawed": [
"Class": [
"name": "library_id",
"value": {
"Text": "file_name.jpg"
"immutable": true
"name": "title",
"value": {
"Text": "File Name Image"
"immutable": true
stageCollectionLibraryAsset(tokenId?: string, files: StageFile[]) ⇒ Promise<OrigynResponse<any, StageLibraryAssetErrors | GetCollectionErrors>>
Stages a library reference to an existing collection-level library asset for an already staged NFT.
await OrigynClient.getInstance().init(false, 'rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai', { key: { seed: WALLET_SEED } });
const payload = {
tokenId: 'token-1', // This is the token id of the NFT we want to append library to
files: [
libraryId: 'shared_file.png', // The id of an already staged file at the collection level
title: 'A reference to my collection-level shared file',
immutable: true,
const stage_asset = await stageCollectionLibraryAsset(payload.tokenId, payload.files);
"name": "library",
"value": {
"Array": {
"thawed": [
"Class": [
"name": "library_id",
"value": {
"Text": "shared_file.png"
"immutable": false
"name": "title",
"value": {
"Text": "A reference to my collection-level shared file"
"immutable": false
"name": "location_type",
"value": {
"Text": "collection"
"immutable": false
"name": "location",
"value": {
"Text": "collection/-/shared_file.png"
"immutable": false
"name": "content_type",
"value": {
"Text": "image/png"
"immutable": false
"name": "content_hash",
"value": {
"Text": "4b56b5f3526ccf851a7130f1b83d6412bc33644e79b84810a5c23c00ca75ff9d"
"immutable": false
"name": "size",
"value": {
"Nat": "0"
"immutable": false
"name": "sort",
"value": {
"Nat": "4"
"immutable": false
"name": "read",
"value": {
"Text": "public"
"immutable": false
"name": "com.origyn.immutable_library",
"value": {
"Bool": true
"immutable": true
"immutable": false
stageWebLibraryAsset(tokenId?: string, files: StageFile[]) ⇒ Promise<OrigynResponse<any, StageLibraryAssetErrors | GetCollectionErrors>>
Stages a library reference to an existing collection-level library asset for an already staged NFT.
await OrigynClient.getInstance().init(false, 'rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai', { key: { seed: WALLET_SEED } });
const payload = {
tokenId: 'token-2', // This is the token id of the NFT we want to append library to
files: [
libraryId: 'origyn-dev-talk-1',
webUrl: '', // A URL to any web resource
title: 'Origyn Developer Talk #1',
immutable: true,
const stage_asset = await stageWebLibraryAsset(payload.tokenId, payload.files);
"name": "library",
"value": {
"Array": {
"thawed": [
"Class": [
"name": "library_id",
"value": {
"Text": "origyn-dev-talk-1"
"immutable": false
"name": "title",
"value": {
"Text": "Origyn Developer Talk #1"
"immutable": false
"name": "location_type",
"value": {
"Text": "web"
"immutable": false
"name": "location",
"value": {
"Text": ""
"immutable": false
"name": "content_type",
"value": {
"Text": "text/html"
"immutable": false
"name": "size",
"value": {
"Nat": "0"
"immutable": false
"name": "sort",
"value": {
"Nat": "5"
"immutable": false
"name": "read",
"value": {
"Text": "public"
"immutable": false
"name": "com.origyn.immutable_library",
"value": {
"Bool": true
"immutable": true
"immutable": false
deleteLibraryAsset(tokenId?: string, libraryId: string) ⇒ Promise<OrigynResponse<any, StageLibraryAssetErrors>>
Deletes an existing library asset from an already staged NFT.
await OrigynClient.getInstance().init(false, 'rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai', { key: { seed: WALLET_SEED } });
const response = await deleteLibraryAsset('token-2', 'origyn-dev-talk-1');
Will mint the NFT provided as argument tokenId
to the principal
const auth = {
key: {
const IS_PROD = true;
const CANISTER_ID = 'frfol-iqaaa-aaaaj-acogq-cai';
await OrigynClient.getInstance().init(IS_PROD, CANISTER_ID, auth);
const mintResponse = await mintNft(config);
// minting was succesfull
throw Error(mintResponse.err.text)
Returns the NFTs balance of the provided principal
. If no principal
is provided, it will use the principal
in the OrigynClient
. If there is no principal
at all, this method will throw a NO_PRINCIPAL_PROVIDED
Returns: Promise<OrigynResponse<BalanceOfNftOrigyn, GetBalanceErrors>>
- JSON Response containing the response of the method.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
principal |
string or Principal
OrigynClient.getInstance().principal |
Principal to request the balance for. |
Name | Type | Description |
nfts | string[] |
List with every owned NFT by the requested principal. |
offers | EscrowRecord[] |
Contains a list with received escrows. |
sales | EscrowRecord[] |
List with active sales started. |
stake | StakeRecord[] |
Array with current stakes. |
multi_canister | Principal[] |
escrows | EscrowRecord[] |
Sent escrows by that principal. |
Name | Description |
The canister returned an error, or there was an error while connecting. |
The canister is unavailable. It might happen when there is a 503 error. |
There was not principal provided. |
const principalFromId = Principal.fromText('YOUR PRINCIPAL ID');
const response = await getNftBalance(principalFromId);
/* This will use the principal provided within OrigynClient */
const principalFromId = Principal.fromText('YOUR PRINCIPAL ID');
OrigynClient.getInstance().principal = principalFromId;
const response = await getNftBalance();
if (response.ok)
// response.ok.nfts contains the list of nfts
else if (response.err)
// something wrong happend
Returns all data for a nft, which is provided using the tokenId
Name | Type | Description |
metadata | Metadata |
Metadata object, contains information about the NFT. |
current_sale | Auction[] |
Contains a list with received escrows. |
Enumeration is the same as GetBalanceErrors
const response = await getNft('nft-id');
if (response.ok) {
const { metadata } = response.ok;
const ownerField = metadata?.find((data) => === 'owner');
// This will output the principal id of the owner of the NFT.
else if (response.err)
// something wrong happend
Get transaction hitsory of an NFT between the start
and the end
date if provided.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
tokenId | string |
The token id of the NFT. | |
start | BigInt |
[] |
Bottom date of the transaction search. |
end | BigInt |
[] |
Upper date of the transaction search. |
Enumeration is the same as GetBalanceErrors
const start = 1662638707000000000n; // Thursday, September 8, 2022
const end = 1662638707000000000n; // Friday, September 2, 2022
const response = await getNftHistory('nft-id', start, end);
if (response.ok) {
const history: TransactionType[] = response.ok;
for(const transaction in history) {
const { tokenId, txn_type, timestamp, index } = transaction;
console.log(`Token ${tokenId} had a transaction (#${index}) on ${timestamp}: ${txn_type}`);
else if (response.err)
// something wrong happend
When the request is successful, an array of TransactionType
will be returned. Each transaction will be represented within the object of txn_type
, being one of the following:
Get the collection level library, specified as argument.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
libraryId | string |
The library_id of the requested library. |
const response = await getCollectionLibrary('dapp.html');
console.log('Library title: ', response.Class.library_title);
updateLibraryMetadata(tokenId: string, libraryId: string, data: Record<string, string | number | boolean>
) ⇒ Promise<Array<MetdataClass>>
Update the properties within the metadata of a library.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
tokenId | string |
The tokenId which contains the library. |
libraryId | string |
The libraryId of the library we want to update. |
data | Record<string, value> |
A key, value record containing the properties we want to update |
const data = {
title: 'New Wallet Title',
const response = await updateLibraryMetadata('token-01', 'wallet.html', data);
- mintjs-1.0.0-alpha.3.tgz
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