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485 repositories
- python library for atomistic machine learning
- Fierro is a C++ code designed to aid the research and development of numerical methods, testing of user-specified models, and creating multi-scale models related to quasi-static solid mechanics and compressible material dynamics using low- and high-order meshes.
- Scientific Computational Imaging COde
- dfnWorks is a parallelized computational suite to generate three-dimensional discrete fracture networks (DFN) and simulate flow and transport. If you download the software please fill out our interest form to stay up to date on releases and join our google group
- MATAR is a C++ software library to allow developers to easily create and use dense and sparse data representations that are also portable across disparate architectures using Kokkos.
- Tensor Extraction of Latent Features (T-ELF). Within T-ELF's arsenal are non-negative matrix and tensor factorization solutions, equipped with automatic model determination (also known as the estimation of latent factors - rank) for accurate data modeling. Our software suite encompasses cutting-edge data pre-processing and post-processing modules.