A reasonable date picker for the awesome elm-ui.
At it's core, this date picker is just a Element.Input.text with a few more features.
It also depends on justinmimbs/date to represent dates without time and timezones.
It makes the most sense if you look at the simple example and the other examples.
The date picker has an internal Model, but it does hold neither the selected date, nor the text of the underlying Element.Input.text
. Therefore your minimal working model looks like this:
type alias Model =
{ date : Maybe Date
, dateText : String
, pickerModel : DatePicker.Model
To get a DatePicker.model
use the DatePicker.init
function. If you want the current day to be highlighted, you have to set it using DatePicker.setToday
or use DatePicker.initWithToday
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( { date = Nothing
, dateText = ""
, pickerModel = DatePicker.init
, Task.perform SetToday Date.today
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
SetToday today ->
( { model
| pickerModel =
|> DatePicker.setToday today
, Cmd.none
To display the date picker use the DatePicker.input
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Element.layout [ Element.width Element.shrink] <|
DatePicker.input [Element.centerX, Element.centerY ]
{ onChange = ChangePicker
, selected = model.date
, text = model.dateText
, label =
Input.labelAbove [] <|
Element.text "Pick A Date"
, placeholder = Nothing
, settings = DatePicker.defaultSettings
, model = model.pickerModel
You have to handle both changes to the text and selection of a date:
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
ChangePicker changeEvent ->
case changeEvent of
DateChanged date ->
-- update both date and text
( { model
| date = Just date
, dateText = Date.toIsoString date
, Cmd.none
TextChanged text ->
( { model
| date =
-- parse the text in any way you like
Date.fromIsoString text
|> Result.toMaybe
|> Maybe.Extra.orElse model.date
, dateText = text
, Cmd.none
PickerChanged subMsg ->
-- internal stuff changed
-- call DatePicker.update
( { model
| pickerModel =
|> DatePicker.update subMsg
, Cmd.none
is a reasonable start, just change what you need.
settings : DatePicker.Settings msg
settings =
default =
{ default
| firstDayOfWeek = Sun
, disabled =
\day ->
Date.weekday day == Sun