Python module to use Dotstar tri-colour LEDs, Testing done with a Raspberry PiZero and and a string of 180 Dotstar LEDs
created Apr 25, 2023 modified Jun 17, 2023
Connections to the Dotstar grid/string are as follows:
- Pi 5V – Dotstar Vin (+5V connection)
- Pi GND – Dotstar GND
- Pi MOSI – Dotstar Din (data line)
- Pi SCLK – Dotstar Cin (clock line)
Basic usage
Individual LED format - (R, G, B, Brightness) with R, G, B between 0-255 and Brightness #between 0-31 or -1 to denote using default brightness (dots.brightness)
brightness hierachy
- individual led value if not -1
- brighness value passed with show() function
- default/dots.brightness value
#initialize dotstar object import DotStar
dots = DotStar.DotStar(cs = 1, numLEDs = 64, brightness = 3, baudrate = 1000000, auto_write = False)
#set all LEDS to the same colour
dots.fill((150,0,0,-1)) - # set all LEDS to red at default brightness
#set individual leds or range of leds
dots[0] = (0, 150, 0, 5)
dots[8:15] = [(0, 0, 150, -1)] * 8
#change default brightness to 15
dots.brightness = 15
#show using a different brightness level = 9)
#print current colour & brightness value for an led
#methods to turning LEDS off
#or = 0) # maintains last colour values