My name is Oyewunmi Oluwaseyi and I'm a software developer. I'm from Nigeria, living in Lagos and currently working as a Freelance Software Engineer You can find me on , or on
- 🔭 Currently working on: React.js, Django, Django REST, Linux Adminstration, Malware analysis,
- 🌱 Getting better at: Python, Javascript, Datastructure & Algorithms, Linux adminstration, Scripting, Automation, Go, Solidity
- 🤔 Exploring: Web exploitation
- ⚗️ Experimenting on: Robotic Process Automation, Google App script
- 💬 Ask me about: Python, Javascript, C
- 📫 Reach me out: Shoot a mail at [email protected]
- 🤔: CRUD operations are boring...Event sourcing is best.
- My Open Source Github account:
"languages": ["Python", "Javascript", "C", "Bash"],
"frameworks/libraries": {
"backend": ["Django", "Django Rest Framework", "NodeJs"],
"frontend": ["React.js", "Boostrap", "Tailwind Css", "Jquery", "HTML5", "CSS3"],
"others": ["TensorFlow",]
"API": ["FastApi", "Django Rest"]
"database": ["Mysql", "PostgreSQL", "MongoDB"],
"misc": ["Docker", "Redis", "Celery", "RabbitMQ", "Unit Testing", "CI/CD"],
"tools": ["Visual Studio Code", "Pycharm", "Vim", "WebStorm", "GoLand"]