Using webcam for secure home, with motion, NodeJS, AngularJS in raspberry
There are many versions of NodeJS to download but is better to choose one working with all npm packages need, I found issues with lasted version with sqlite3 so you can download what I used.
Then uncompress it
tar xvfz node-v0.10.10-linux-arm-pi.tar.gz
Test if it is working
./node-v0.10.10-linux-arm-pi/bin/node --version
It should show you v0.10.10
Then add the path to you profile, in raspbian the file is .profile (make sure you are at home cd ~
sudo vi .profile
Then add the following lines to the file
That should be enought, try with the following command again
node --version
It should show you v0.10.10
First we need to update then install motion
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install motion
Open the configuration file and replace the lines by
sudo vi /etc/motion/motion.conf
width 320
height 240
threshold 3000
snapshot_interval 60
target directory
target_dir /home/pi/picam/captures
The most important
on_picture_save node /home/pi/picam/processImage.js /home/pi/picam/dbImages.db %f
What you did in last line is when a new image is saved after capture run a NodeJS script and use the file dbImages.db as SQLite3 database any file in %f
The save the file by pressing Esc :wq! in vi
First make sure you have git installed by
whereis git
if the command returns any result that means you have git
installed. In case you don't have any results, you can install it by
sudo apt-get install git
In raspberry choose a folder and clone the project (make sure to give it the proper rights). I used ~ (home)
cd ~
git clone
chmod 777 picam
cd picam
mkdir captures
chmod 777 captures
The last line is to captured images by motion (see Motion section)
Go to folder picam and install the packages needed
cd ~/picam
npm install
First add the permission to run the picam server
sudo chmod +x
Then run the server
The server will run under port 3705
Open your favorite browser the raspberry pi url
Mine is under that IP address.
All the captures images will be saved under /home/pi/picam/captures and the database file will index those
From client the motion can be started by a left up button
Motion can be started by separte through command line
To cancel Ctrl + C
In order to autostart the picam server edit the rc.local file at the end with the following
sudo vi /etc/rc.local
/home/pi/picam/ &
before line
exit 0
Restart the system
sudo shutdown -r now
Marco Zarate (P-KoS)
Thx to many post I saw before writing my own.