One microcontroler, in this case ESP8266, take temperature from fermentor with LM65, and take control of temperature switching on/off a pump. This pump is connected to a cold bench, to transfer cold to fermentor.
When ESP8266 take a temperature of fermentor, push this temperature and pump status to InfluxDB.
Install it with: sudo apt install influxdb
, or run it Docker(
). Everyway add this is the configuration to standard config:
enabled = true
bind-address = ":8089"
database = "fermentador_1"
This allows esp8266 to push data to InfluxDB over UPD port.
Using docker:
Configrue grafana to use Influxdb as:
vim src/main.c:
static const char* influx_db_server = "udp://";
Replace with your influxdb server.
curl -fsSL | /bin/bash
~/.mos/bin/mos --help
git clone
mos build --arch esp8266
mos flash
mos console
mos build --arch esp8266 && mos flash && mos console
mos call Config.Get '{"key": "temperature.up_limit"}'
mos call Config.Get '{"key": "temperature.down_limit"}'
mos call Config.Get '{"key": "temperature.termic_inertia"}'
mos call Config.Get '{"key": "temperature.samples_to_average"}'
mos config-set temperature.up_limit=20
mos config-set temperature.down_limit=20
mos config-set temperature.termic_inertia=0.7
mos config-set temperature.samples_to_average=6
Tunning Grafana it looks like: