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"agroup" command

Casey Reid edited this page Aug 19, 2022 · 9 revisions


The "agroup" command is used to create an Access Group which is used to restrict access to a group of assets. Grouping is the theme when trying to influence positive change in a risk based vulnerability management program. Since Tagging is the natural way to group assets, it only makes since to add those to access groups for limiting access or keeping remediatiors in their lane.

Command Options

Create Access Groups by Tags or Agent Groups - navi agroup

  • --name TEXT --> Create an Access group with the following Name
  • --c TEXT --> Category name to use: requires --v and Value Name
  • --v TEXT --> Tag Value to use; requires --c and Category Name
  • --user TEXT --> User you want to Assign to the Access Group
  • --usergroup TEXT --> User Group you want to assign to the Access Group
  • -perm --> Options = ['scan', 'view', 'scanview']

agroup examples

navi agroup --name "My New Group" --c "OS" --v "Linux" --user username@yourdomain -perm scanview

navi agroup --name "My New Group" --c "OS" --v "Linux" --usergroup "Linux Admins" -perm scan

Recent Changes 7/22/2021

The navi "agroup --group" command was removed. Please use the "navi tag --group" command to convert your agent groups to a Tag and then use the Tag. This change is meant to reduce complexity of updating the tag and updating the access group separately.

Previous tagging capability was limited to 1024 assets. There are no limits now. :)

Recent Changes 8/17/22

The agroup commands and commands supporting access groups where removed in 7.0.1. Access Groups are being deprecated in