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An example webapp on Cloudflare demonstrating Pangea's AI Guard and Prompt Guard services.

Deploy to Cloudflare Workers


  • Node.js v22.

  • A Pangea account with AI Guard, Prompt Guard, AuthN, AuthZ, and Secure Audit Log enabled.

  • A Cloudflare account.

  • A Google Drive folder containing spreadsheets.

    • Note down the ID of the folder for later (see the LangChain docs for a guide on how to get the ID from the URL).

    • Each spreadsheet should be named after a user and have two rows. For example:

      Alice PTO

      Employee Hours
      Alice 25

      Bob PTO

      Employee Hours
      Bob 100
  • Two Google Identities (e.g. Alice and Bob)

    • One user (e.g. Alice) will act as the admin and own the folder and have full access to all spreadsheets within
    • The other user (e.g. Bob) will act as an employee with read access to their single spreadsheet
  • A Google Cloud project with the Google Docs API, Google Drive API, and Google Sheets API enabled.

  • A Google service account:

    1. In your Google Cloud project, go to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts (using the navigation menu in the top left) and create a new service account.
    2. On the service accounts page, select your new service account, click KEYS, and add a new key. Save the key as credentials.json somewhere.
    3. Share the Google Drive folder with the service account’s email, granting it Editor access so it can query file permissions as needed.


Pangea AuthN

After activating AuthN:

  1. Under AuthN > General> Signup Settings, enable "Allow Signups". This way users won't need to be manually added.
  2. For development only: under AuthN > General > Redirect (Callback) Settings, add http://localhost:3000 as a redirect.
  3. Under AuthN > General > Social (OAuth), enable Google.
  4. Under AuthN > Overview, note the "Client Token" and "Hosted Login" values for later.

Pangea AuthZ

Set the authorization schema to the built-in File Drive schema.

Pangea Secure Audit Log

Use the built-in AI Audit Log Schema configuration.


git clone
cd pangea-ai-chat-cloudflare
npm install
cp .dev.vars.example .dev.vars

There are several values that need to be filled out in .dev.vars:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_PANGEA_CLIENT_TOKEN: This should be the AuthN "Client Token" that was noted earlier.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTHN_UI_URL: This should be the AuthN "Hosted Login" that was noted earlier.
  • PANGEA_SERVICE_TOKEN: Pangea API token with access to AI Guard and Prompt Guard.
  • PANGEA_AUDIT_CONFIG_ID: Pangea Secure Audit Log configuration ID.
  • GOOGLE_DRIVE_CREDENTIALS: Google service account credentials as a compacted JSON object. The value of this variable should be the contents of the credentials.json from earlier with its whitespace removed until it fits in a single line.
  • GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID: Google Drive folder ID.
  • INGEST_TOKEN: A randomly-generated value that will be the API token necessary for initiating ingestion of new vectors.
  • CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID: Cloudflare account ID.
  • CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN: Cloudflare API token with access to Workers AI and Vectorize.

Cloudflare Vectorize

The Cloudflare Vectorize database should be created like so:

npx wrangler vectorize create pangea-ai-chat --dimensions=768 --metric=cosine

Local deployment

A local version of the app can be started with:

npm run preview

Then navigate to http://localhost:8788.

Alternatively, the Next.js development server is also available, but requires copying the environment variables file:

cp .dev.vars .env
npm run dev

Then navigate to http://localhost:3000.

Remote deployment

This repository is automatically deployed to Cloudflare Pages on every push via Cloudflare's Git integration. However, a manual deployment from a local system may be done with:

npm run deploy

Don't forget to set the same environment variables as before on the Settings page of the Cloudflare Pages project:

Cloudflare Pages environment variables