Startups are growing fast in Iran, and one of the most popular technologies for startups is Node.JS.
This package takes advantage of ES6 classes and promises, brings an ultimate and modern tool for adding Mellat bank checkout to your Node.JS apps. It's compatible with all frameworks, including but not limited to: Express, HapiJS, NodeJS internal webserver, etc. Also, a very simple example is uploaded.
You need node >= 4.0 and npm to install this package. Run this command on your project directory:
$ npm install mellat-payment --save
Then, you need to call require( 'mellat-payment' )
const Mellat = require( 'mellat-payment' );
Mellat.Request( terminal: String, username: String, password: String, amount: Number, returnPage:String )
⇒ Promise
Requests a payment session from the bank.
Returns an object containing RefId
and ResCode
on success, errorCode
(String) from bank on disagreement or e
(Object) on failure.
Mellat.Verify( terminal: String, username: String, password: String, saleOrderId: String, resCode: String, saleRefId: String )
⇒ Promise
Verifies given invoice from the bank, if verification was OK, it inquiries and settles the payment automatically, either it reverses the payment. See the example if you don't know where saleOrderId, resCode and saleRefId comes from.
Returns an object containig err
property. If err
was set to false
, it means the transaction verified, inquiried and settled, otherwise reason
property will be included, containing the description of the error.
Other methods (Inquiry
, Settle
and Reverse
) aren't needed, they're called automatically by Verify
This project is licensed under MIT License.