This is a simple RESTful API for a social networking application built with FastAPI and providing the following functionality:
- Registration system, user management and authentication backend with cookie transport and JWT strategy. Using fastapi-users library
- Users have the ability to perform CRUD operations with posts
- Authorized users have the ability to like and dislike other users posts, but not their own
- Integration with Clearbit to get additional data about the user during registration (first name, last name). API key must be in src/auth/conf/auth
- Integration with for verifying email existence on registration. API key must be in src/auth/conf/auth
- Redis as a cache for storing posts likes and dislikes when accessed by id - GET /posts/{post_id} (does not work at the moment when accessing all posts GET /posts). Using fastapi-cache library
- Install Python 3.9+
- Install Docker
- Clone this repository and navigate to it:
git clone && cd socialnet-app
- Run services with Docker Compose:
docker compose up -d
Swagger UI documentation by default will be available at: http://localhost:8003/api/docs
Open API documentation by default will be available at: http://localhost:8003/api/openapi.json
nano src/auth/conf/auth
nano src/conf/logger_conf.yml
API server:
nano src/core/conf/core
PostgreSQL database:
nano src/db/conf/db
Redis cache system:
nano src/db/conf/cache