Video demo:
This application uses OpenAI's GPT-4 Vision model to identify products in an image and then searches for these products on the internet. Setup
To run the UI:
- cd into the client directory
- run npm install
- run npm start
- open localhost:3000 in your browser
To run the server:
- Create a Python virtual environment
You can create a Python virtual environment using the venv module:
python3 -m venv vision
This will create a new virtual environment named env.
- Activate the virtual environment
Before you can start installing or using packages in your virtual environment you’ll need to activate it. Activation associates your shell session with the virtual environment.
- On macOS and Linux:
source vision/bin/activate
- On Windows:
- Install the required packages
Install all the necessary packages using the requirements.txt file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up your environment variables
Create a .env file in the root directory of your project and add your environment variables to it:
Replace your_openai_key, your_google_api_key, and your_google_cx with your actual keys.
- cd into the server directory, and run the server using uvicorn
uvicorn main:app --reload
- (Optionally) Run the streamlit version from the root directory
You can run the application using Streamlit:
python -m streamlit run
This will start the Streamlit server and open the application in your web browser.
Remember to never commit your .env file to version control. It contains sensitive data. Add it to your .gitignore file.
- Creating and running a docker container
You can containerize this application by running the following command:
docker build -t ar-shopping:latest .
After the container is created, you can run image accordingly:
Make sure to replace the placeholder env variabels with correct ones.
If you're having issues with stopping the container you can run the following command:
docker kill $(docker ps -q -f publish=8000)