<a name"3.0.0">
3.0.0 (2018-01-24)
Bug Fixes
- action: use lodash’s clone Vs deepClone or none at all (ca40db2c)
- datatable: Update datatable to use PatternFly table styles (c4d765fa)
- disabled: added disabled state for filter, sort, and toolbar (eaed69e3)
- donut: avoid regenerating chart on every data update (190afd65)
- filter: filter results should be shown when applied filters is available (c46dcb1f)
- pagination: shows wrong start/end page indexes with an empty data set (cc9fdbab)
- release: remove duplicate c3 package (3d7cf3dc)
- sparkline: avoid regenerating chart on every data update (a9080319)
- css: remove embedded css to allow customization (7a836ba1)
- modules: each module should have its own index.ts (a73cdd5c)
- table: added datatable implementation (829e89d5)
- toolbar: add filter reset method to toolbar. (320a496d)
Breaking Changes
- Apps must now include patternfly-ng.min.css
- vert-nav: made internal variables private in favor of read-only accessors. Consolidated hiddenIcons and hideTopBanner as showIcons and showTopBanner for consistency.