A couple scripts in php and vbScript along with a couple setup instructions to setup an automatic dynamic domain name server updating system.
This project contains:
- php code
- vbScript code
- setup Instructions and references
- Webserver that runs php
- API key that can access dns-* methods
- host name for the domain name
- windows OS that can run Visual Basic Scripts
- Task Scheduler on Windows OS
Once setup the vbScript makes an HTTP request to
Originally the Dynamic DNS updating was performed by DynDNS service which was free of charge. Since they moved onto a payment model the account associated to the address being updated was deleted. This motivated the creation of a self maintained Dynamic DNS service using web hosting at dreamhost that was being paid for anyway.
- Create an API Key with Function Access ** dns-(asterix) ** this includes All dns functions
- dns-add_record
- dns-list_records
- dns-remove_record
- Add a custom DNS record with the hostname that you wish
- Type: A
- Value: any IP address as we will update this
- Install and configure the php script on your webserver. Following instructions at Dreamhost Wiki
- ssh into your webspace
- goto a web accessible directory and download the php script dyndns.php
- change the access rights and modify the script to include your
- '$DH_API_KEY', setting the value to the API key given
- '$HOSTS' to limit it to only the dns entries you wish to allow modification to
- '$PASSWD' to protect this page
Download and configure the vbscript to the computer in the network you want to update the host domain name from
Setup a repetitive task with the windows task scheduler to call this script.
All done.
Server Side setup only test
With the API Key, the hostname reserved and the php script downloaded and configured you can manually test the update.
Open a webbrowser and open the following url
You should see the result.
Any suggestions to improvements are welcome. I must say this is just a quick mock up but works fine.
The php script is found through dreamhost wiki here. I only have a copy of it here for backup purposes and for completeness of the required scripts. Fell free to use the script as you wish.