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Java Swing GUI tutorial

The following tutorial assumes you are using Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA. Please download and install that if you don't already have it before continuing.

The massive advantage of using a proper Java IDE is that it allows you to create Swing GUI's via a drag-and-drop interface. It is a lot less hassle than coding it each element in Java individually!

Please adjust the following setting in IntelliJ, it will turn off a feature that causes no end of confusion with my students:

  • Settings / Editor / General / Appearance / Show parameter name hints: OFF

Part 1 - Introduction

A quick introduction to the demonstration project we will build. It is a contacts manager that will look like this...

Part 2 - Create the GUI

Use the drag-and-drop GUI builder to make our screen.

Part 3 - Code Person class

Write the Person class we will use as the basis of the data in this project.

Part 4 - Code JFrame

Program the JFrame to visualise.

Part 5 - Populate JList

Program the list to display an entry for each person, and to refresh it's list when we require it.

Copy and paste the demo data I used if you wish...

Person sheldon = new Person("Sheldon Lee Cooper", "[email protected]", "555 0001", "26/02/1980");
Person howard = new Person("Howard Joel Wolowitz", "[email protected]", "555 0002", "01/03/1981");
Person bernadette = new Person("Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz", "[email protected]", "555 0002", "01/01/1984");
Person raj = new Person("Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali", "[email protected]", "555 0003", "06/10/1981");
Person penny = new Person("Penny Hofstadter", "[email protected]", "555 0004", "02/12/1985");
Person leonard = new Person("Leonard Hofstadter", "[email protected]", "555 0004", "17/05/1980");
Person amy = new Person("Amy Farrah Fowler", "[email protected]", "555 0005", "17/12/1979");

Part 6 - JList selection action

Program the list so that when an item is selected, it populates the respective textFields with information about that person.

Part 7 - JButton selection action

Program the buttons to save a new person or update an existing one to the people ArrayList.

Part 8 - Refactor code

Reorganise some of the code to (hopefully) make it more intuitive for beginner programmers.

Extension task: Persistent data

Here is the JSON data you can save to a file. I suggested at the end of video 7 to attempt to load this data from a data file instead of hard coding it. Refer to my JSON notes for more on this.

  {"phoneNumber":"555 0001","dateOfBirthString":"26/02/1980","name":"Sheldon Lee Cooper","dateOfBirth":"1980-02-26","age":39,"email":"[email protected]"},
  {"phoneNumber":"555 0002","dateOfBirthString":"01/03/1981","name":"Howard Joel Wolowitz","dateOfBirth":"1981-03-01","age":38,"email":"[email protected]"},
  {"phoneNumber":"555 0003","dateOfBirthString":"06/10/1981","name":"Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali","dateOfBirth":"1981-10-06","age":37,"email":"[email protected]"},
  {"phoneNumber":"555 0004","dateOfBirthString":"02/12/1985","name":"Penny Hofstadter","dateOfBirth":"1985-12-02","age":33,"email":"[email protected]"},
  {"phoneNumber":"555 0005","dateOfBirthString":"17/12/1979","name":"Amy Farrah Fowler","dateOfBirth":"1979-12-17","age":39,"email":"[email protected]"},
  {"phoneNumber":"555 0002","dateOfBirthString":"01/01/1984","name":"Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz","dateOfBirth":"1984-01-01","age":35,"email":"[email protected]"},
  {"phoneNumber":"555 0006","dateOfBirthString":"17/05/1980","name":"Leonard Hofstadter","dateOfBirth":"1980-05-17","age":38,"email":"[email protected]"}

Extension task: Photos

Here's a tutorial that's a helpful tip on how to get started.

This is the look you are aiming for...

Extension: Build the completed JAR

Turning your completed project into a JAR file makes it distributable!

  • File -> Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Artifacts -> Click green plus sign -> Jar -> From modules with dependencies...

The above sets the "skeleton" to where the jar will be saved to. To actually build and save it do the following:

  • Extract to the target Jar
  • OK
  • Build -> Build Artifact



Java GUI tutorial and demo







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