Python Socket Proxy for Android
~For Intercepting data between Client Server and Modify them This script works with system libs So you don't have to install any library
Except you need Python2.7
@author note Still needs improvent Fix Some Bugs etc
this project provide: *.http proxy server [yes] *.script injecting [not yet] *.hostname checking [yes] *.caching (usually saving pkt) [yes] *.replacement [yes] *.SSLStrip support (by default) [yes] *.Redirect desired Android app [yes]
Some useful HTTP Headers does not supported yet: *.Proxy-Connection (for HTTP/1.1)
NOTE: This program does not works if the app uses HSTS (eg Chrome Browser) You should change the string replacing at line 135 for better work with sslstrip Response Redirection is not saved yet
Usage: pyrhon <pkg_name>