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pchalamet edited this page Apr 26, 2013 · 9 revisions

Having troubles with cassandra-sharp ? Hope you will find an answer there.

'no keyspace has been specified' exception

Cassandra 1.2.4 has a bug regarding execution of prepared query without specifying a keyspace. Apply patch CASSANDRA-5468 or get a newer version.

'Can't find any valid endpoint' exception

Cassandra does not enable CQL Binary Protocol by default (as of 1.2-rc2). You have to enable this feature in cassandra.yaml in order to use cassandra-sharp:

start_native_transport: true

Help ! Queries are frozen !

cassandra-sharp implements a pull model to deliver data. This means if nobody is trying to pull data, cassandra-sharp won't push data. In practice this means:

  • you have to read data as soon as it is notified using ContinueWith() on the Task or
  • you have to delegate the read to a future using AsFuture() on the Task

Help ! It's still not working !

[cassandra-sharp-user] (!forum/cassandra-sharp-user) is the primary mailing list. Feel free to raise issue on this group.

You can also raise an issue using GitHub but it's better to use the mailing list.