This example project accompanies the blog article Sending a Hello from Mutiny in Wildfly.
If you don't Kafka running ready, you can run it with Docker (e.g. with Docker Desktop)
cd ~/Documents/git/wildfly-hello-mutiny
docker compose --ansi never up -d
cd ~/Documents/git/wildfly-hello-mutiny
export WILDFLY_HOME=~/Documents/wildfly-28.0.0.Final
$WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ --read-only-server-config=src/main/wildfly/standalone.xml
mvn clean package
mvn wildfly:deploy
# when you've had enough
mvn wildfly:undeploy
- MicroProfile Reactive Messaging
- SmallRye Reactive Messaging
- SmallRye Reactive Messaging Kafka Connector
comes with
- MP Reactive Messaging 3.0
- MP Reactive Stream Operators 3.0
- SmallRye Reactive Messaging 4.3
- SmallRye Mutiny 2.1
- Apache Kafka Client 3.4