A simple to use DAO governance analytics dashboard with a beautiful visualization that leverages Boardroom's API to make it easier for people to learn about and analyze governance data.
Home => In home page the user can explore the available governances and order them by name, number of proposals, unique voters, ballots and token price.
Governance Page => The user can see some details like number of proposals, unique voters, ballots and token price. There is also a list of all proposals that exist to that DAO where the user can access any of the proposals to see its details.
Proposal Page => The user can see all of the proposal data: title, current state, description, start date, end date, proposer, choices available, result, total power cast, total voters and a list of all the voters that voted in this proposal showing the power cast by them and their choice and also the user can access any of the voters to see details from them.
Voter Page => The user can see all of the voter data: address with link to the address page on etherscan.io, first vote cast date, last vote cast date, protocols that the voter participate (each showing the following data: protocol name, first vote cast date, last vote cast date, total power cast and total votes cast), total votes cast and a list of all the votes that the voter has voted in the past (each showing the following data: protocol name, proposal title, proposal status, voter choice, power cast by voter, proposal start date, proposal end date and vote date).
Any suggestion or possible improvement on this project is welcomed and appreciated! You can create a issue to contact me!