A generic jackson JsonDeserializer that supports multiple discriminator columns when deserializing a supertype that has multi level inheritance
The jackson-databind library, by default, doesn't support defining multiple @JsonTypeInfo and they doesn't have plans to support such feature, as can be seen here:
Which makes hard to (de)serialize JSONs when we have a multi-level inheritance with multiple fields being used as discriminators like:
public abstract class QuestionChoice {
public static final String INPUT = "INPUT";
private String description;
protected String type;
//no-arg-constructor, getters & setters
public abstract class InputQuestionChoice extends QuestionChoice {
public static final String NUMBER = "NUMBER";
public static final String TEXT = "TEXT";
private String placeholder;
protected String inputType;
protected InputQuestionChoice() {
super.type = QuestionChoice.INPUT;
//getters & setters
public class NumberInputQuestionChoice extends InputQuestionChoice {
private int min;
private int max;
protected NumberInputQuestionChoice() {
super.inputType = InputQuestionChoice.NUMBER;
//getters & setters
public class TextInputQuestionChoice extends InputQuestionChoice {
private int minLength;
private int maxLength;
private String pattern;
protected TextInputQuestionChoice() {
super.inputType = InputQuestionChoice.TEXT;
//getters & setters
Since jackson-databind limits us to define just one @JsonTypeInfo, we would have to maintain just a single field with all the possible discriminator types which wouldn't scale well as the hierarchy grows.
To solve this, this project offers a custom JsonDeserializer that makes possible to define multiple discriminator fields. Example below:
public class Root {
@JsonDeserializer(using = PolymorphicDeserializer.class)
private QuestionChoice questionChoice;
//no-arg-constructor, getters & setters
@TypeInfo(property = "type") // default is "type" so in this case we woudln't have to explicitly define the property
@SubType(value = InputQuestionChoice.class, name = QuestionChoice.INPUT)
public abstract class QuestionChoice {
public static final String INPUT = "INPUT";
private String description;
protected String type;
//no-arg-constructor, getters & setters
@TypeInfo(property = "inputType")
@SubType(value = NumberInputQuestionChoice.class, name = QuestionChoice.NUMBER),
@SubType(value = TextInputQuestionChoice.class, name = QuestionChoice.TEXT)
public abstract class InputQuestionChoice extends QuestionChoice {
public static final String NUMBER = "NUMBER";
public static final String TEXT = "TEXT";
private String placeholder;
protected String inputType;
protected InputQuestionChoice() {
super.type = QuestionChoice.INPUT;
//getters & setters
public class NumberInputQuestionChoice extends InputQuestionChoice {
private int min;
private int max;
protected NumberInputQuestionChoice() {
super.inputType = InputQuestionChoice.NUMBER;
//getters & setters
public class TextInputQuestionChoice extends InputQuestionChoice {
private int minLength;
private int maxLength;
private String pattern;
protected TextInputQuestionChoice() {
super.inputType = InputQuestionChoice.TEXT;
//getters & setters
- fix bug when annotating the super type with the @JsonDeserialize