Responsive touch-friendly theme for Adminer database tool (
Three color variants included.
This project is almost at the end of its life. We switched to 👉 our own Adminer fork 👈 some time ago and now we are moving forward to version 5. This will include a new theme and configuration that will replace adminer-theme and all plugins in adminer-plugins.
Minimal requirements are: PHP 5.4, Adminer 4.6.1, modern web browser.
Download and install Adminer tool.
Download all content from /lib folder right next to adminer.php.
File structure will be:
- css
- fonts
- images
- plugins
- adminer.php
- Create index.php file and configure plugins. Don't forget to copy official plugin.php into the
function adminer_object()
// Required to run any plugin.
include_once "./plugins/plugin.php";
// Plugins auto-loader.
foreach (glob("plugins/*.php") as $filename) {
include_once "./$filename";
// Specify enabled plugins here.
$plugins = [
// AdminerTheme has to be the last one!
new AdminerTheme(),
// Color variant can by specified in constructor parameter.
// new AdminerTheme("default-orange"),
// new AdminerTheme("default-blue"),
// new AdminerTheme("default-green", ["" => "default-orange"]),
return new AdminerPlugin($plugins);
// Include original Adminer or Adminer Editor.
include "./adminer.php";
Final file structure will be:
- css
- fonts
- images
- plugins
- AdminerTheme.php
- plugin.php
- adminer.php
- index.php
Amazing Entypo pictograms are created by Daniel Bruce (