In case you want to load data from text file stored in local computer.
string path = @"C:\Data\whazzup.txt";
IIVAOWhazzupDataSource nonCachedLocalDataSource = new LocalIVAOWhazzupDataSource(path);
In case you want to load data from local computer compressed using GZip.
string path = @"C:\Data\whazzup.txt.gz";
IGZipCompression compression = new GZipCompression();
IIVAOWhazzupDataSource nonCachedLocalGZippedDataSource = new LocalGZippedIVAOWhazzupDataSource(path, compression);
In case you want to load data from web in plain text format.
string url = "";
IIVAOWhazzupDataSource nonCachedWebDataSource = new WebIVAOWhazzupDataSource(url);
In case you want to load data from web compressed using GZip.
string url = "";
IGZipCompression gzipCompression = new GZipCompression();
IIVAOWhazzupDataSource nonCachedGZippedWebDataSource = new WebGZippedIVAOWhazzupDataSource(url, gzipCompression);
Once you have data source created you can use it or you can create Cached
ICachedIVAOWhazzupDataSource dataSource = new CachedIVAOWhazzupDataSource(nonCachedWebDataSource);
Note: In case you use cached provider, this provider will always return the same data until cache is deleted manually.
You need to create also factory to create parsers for specific data types / sections.
IParserFactory parserFactory = new ParserFactory();
You need to create also section selectors to create extract/select correct section data and pass them to correct parsers.
IGeneralSelector generalSelector = new GeneralSelector();
IClientsSelector clientsSelector = new ClientsSelector();
IServersSelector serverSelector = new ServersSelector();
IAirportsSelector airportsSelector = new AirportsSelector();
Once you have created all supporting instances, you need to create provider depending on what kind of data you are interested in.
// in case you want !GENERAL data
IGeneralDataProvider generalDataProvider = new GeneralDataProvider(dataSource, parserFactory, generalSelector);
// in case you want !CLIENTS data (ATC, PILOT, FOLME)
IClientsProvider clientsDataProvider = new ClientsDataProvider(dataSource, parserFactory, clientsSelector);
// in case you want !CLIENTS specific data -> ATC
IClientsProvider atcClientsDataProvider = new AirTrafficControllersDataProvider(dataSource, parserFactory, clientsSelector);
// in case you want !CLIENTS specific data -> PILOT
IClientsProvider pilotClientsDataProvider = new PilotsDataProvider(dataSource, parserFactory, clientsSelector);
// in case you want !CLIENTS specific data -> FOLME
IClientsProvider followMeClientsDataProvider = new FollowMesDataProvider(dataSource, parserFactory, clientsSelector);
// in case you want !SERVERS data
IServersProvider serversDataProvider = new ServersDataProvider(dataSource, parserFactory, serverSelector);
// in case you want !AIRPORTS data
IAirportsProvider airportsDataProvider = new AirportsDataProvider(dataSource, parserFactory, airportsSelector);
Once you have provider instance you just need to call it to get data.
var data = yourProvider.GetData().ToList();
IVAO Library is licensed under the MIT license.
In case you are interested visit IVAO
homepage here