Provides custom Drupal console commands and chains.
- Composer
- Drupal console
curl -L | sh
These are custom commands used to build a site. The information about the site comes from ~/.console/sites/site-name.yml. e.g.
drupal site:new Builds a new site using Drupal project as template
drupal site:checkout site-name [--branch|--tag] Performs a git clone and checks out the specified branch or tag
drupal site:checkout:tag site-name --tag Performs a git clone and checks out the specified tag/revision
drupal site:checkout:branch site-name --branch Performs a git clone and checks out the specified branch
drupal site:compose site-name Runs composer
drupal site:npm Runs NPM
drupal site:grunt Runs Grunt
drupal site:settings:db site-name Creates settings.db.php in the web/sites/default folder. This file contains DB credentials and should not be committed.
drupal site:settings:local site-name Creates settings.local.php in the web/sites/default folder. This file contains local settings overrides and should not be committed.
drupal site:settings:memcache site-name Creates settings.memcache.php in the web/sites/default folder. This file contains Memcache configuration and should not be committed.
drupal site:phpunit:setup site-name Creates phpunit.xml in the root. This file contains PHPUnit configuration and should not be committed.
drupal site:behat:setup site-name Creates behat.yml in the tests folder. This file contains Behat configuration and should not be committed.
drupal site:db:import site-name If a database dump is available, it will drop the current database and import the dump. The db-dump information comes from ~/.console/sites/site-name.yml. The command will copy the dump from the original place to /tmp. If you run the command again, it will only copy the file once the original has changed. This is very useful when working remotely on slow networks. If no db-dump information is available or there is no dump at the location, it will run a site install. Supported extensions: .sql, .sql.gz.
drupal site:update site-name Used to run updates and import configuration - drush site-set @site (Set default drush alias) - drush sset system.maintenance_mode 1 (Enable maintenance mode) - drush cr (Clear caches) - drush updb -y (Runs updates) - drush cim -y; drush cim -y (Import configuration - twice to fix a problem with config import when new modules are added to core.extensions.yml) - drush sset system.maintenance_mode 0 (Disable maintenance mode) - drush cr (Clear caches)
drupal site:test site-name Runs test suites - ./behat %s' (Runs behat tests) - ./vendor/bin/phpunit (Runs phpunit tests)
Chains that can be reused on various environments
drupal site:configure A chain that will call all the commands below:
- site:settings:db
- site:settings:local
- site:settings:memcache
drupal site:test:setup Sets the test suites
- site:phpunit:setup
- site:behat:setup
Each environment will have its own chain that executes the relevant commands and chains
drupal site:build Builds a site for development
- site:checkout
- site:rebuild (chain)
drupal site:rebuild Performs necessary steps to rebuild the site from a given source
- site:compose
- site:npm
- site:grunt
- site:configure (chain)
- site:test:setup (chain)
- site:db:import
- site:update
- drupal site:build:artifact Prepare artifacts
- site:checkout
- site:compose
- site:npm
- site:grunt
- drupal site:build:ci Builds a site for CI
- site:db:import
- site:update
- site:test
- drupal site:build:qa Builds a site for QA
- site:db:import
- site:update
- site:test
- drupal site:build:staging Builds a site for Staging
- site:db:import
- site:update
- drupal site:build:prod Runs updates on production
- site:update
- -h Show all the available arguments and options
- --no-interaction Will execute the command without asking any optional argument
By default, the commands will use parameters from the site.yml, but it is possible to override them using environment variables.
For example, to override the root directory you can set the variable before calling site:build
export site_destination_directory="/directory/"
drupal site:build
drupal site:db:import [site_name]