Iptv-check allows you to input a valid iptv file (m3u) to be checked if the video streams are still working or not . In case valid urls were found , then the script will create a new iptv (m3u) file with those urls . Version 2 will check valid online streams if there is a bad login on that streaming channel , sometimes streaming is on but if there is a bad login it will pop up a login message . OCR detection was added for double check valid streams .
- wget ffmpeg tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev tesseract-ocr-eng
- apt install wget ffmpeg tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev tesseract-ocr-eng
- git clone https://github.com/peterpt/IPTV-CHECK.git && cd IPTV-CHECK && ./iptv-check
- Iptv-check rellies now on ffmpeg to download streams instead wget , new filters added to clean some iptv lists