The Bioinformatics & Biostatistics Group @ The Francis Crick Institute
Here you will find the data from an RNA-Seq and ATAC-Seq experiment. Both experiments have the same design. There is a treatment and control group each containing three replicates making a total of six samples per experiment. The data files are defined as follows (all files are tab delimited text files):
- rnaseq_design.txt - Sample ids and corresponding condition labels.
- rnaseq_gene_counts.txt - Raw (not normalised) gene-level read counts for each sample.
- rnaseq_annotation.txt - Gene level annotation.
- atacseq_design.txt - Sample ids and corresponding condition labels.
- atacseq_peak_counts.txt - Raw (not normalised) ATAC-Seq peak level counts for each sample.
- atacseq_peaks.bed - A bed file defining the peak loci
All sequence data were aligned to the human genome reference hg38.
The treatment here is thought to activate a transcriptional program via remodelling of the chromatin architecture. The aim here is to
- Identify genes that may be regulated in this fashion.
- Identify the possible transcriptional programs involved.
- Present candidate transcription factors that may be responsible for the underlying regulation.
Please produce a 20 minute presentation detailing your exploration of the data, your analysis approach and findings?