** Gulp, Sass, Angular, Angular Materials, and BrowserSync, Express, and Firebase **
First, clone the repo to your local machine, and move into that directory.
git clone https://github.com/philgebauer/gulp-sass-angular-materials-browsersync-boilerplate
cd gulp-sass-angular-materials-browsersync-boilerplate
Install Sass.
gem install sass
Then install the required dependencies from NPM, and use Gulp to start the server.
npm install
Once installed and started, the site should load automatically in your browser. If not, it will be live on http://localhost:5000
- Gulp
- Sass
- Express
- Firebase
- Angular Materials
- AngularJS
- Node.js
- Angular Material
• Oliver Alexander — @oliver0
• Andrew Froiland — @afroiland
• Phil Gebauer — @philgebauer
• Isaac Halvorson — @hisaac
This project is licensed under the MIT License