- Require the bundle with composer:
composer require symfony-bundles/event-queue-bundle
- Enable the bundle in the kernel:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
// ...
new SymfonyBundles\EventQueueBundle\SymfonyBundlesEventQueueBundle(),
// ...
- Configure the EventQueue bundle in your config.yml.
Defaults configuration:
service_name: 'event_queue'
default_name: 'event:default'
storage_path: '%kernel.cache_dir%/event-queue-daemon.%s.pid'
- Configure the redis client in your config.yml. Read more about RedisBundle configuration.
Add an event to the queue:
$dispatcher = $this->get('sb_event_queue');
$dispatcher->on(MyEvent::class, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Example message');
Your event class must implement SymfonyBundles\EventQueueBundle\EventInterface
(or extending SymfonyBundles\EventQueueBundle\Event
and having constant NAME
with the event name. For example:
namespace AppBundle\Event;
use SymfonyBundles\EventQueueBundle\Event;
class MyEvent extends Event
const NAME = 'event.example';
private $time;
private $message;
public function __construct($time, $message)
$this->time = $time;
$this->message = $message;
public function getTime()
return $this->time;
public function getMessage()
return $this->message;
Creating an Event Listener. The most common way to listen to an event is to register an event listener:
namespace AppBundle\EventListener;
use AppBundle\Event\MyEvent;
class MyListener
public function onEventExample(MyEvent $event)
// and we are doing something...
Now that the class is created, you just need to register it as a service and notify Symfony that it is a "listener":
class: AppBundle\EventListener\MyListener
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: event.example }
Execution (dispatching) of all events from the queue:
while ($dispatcher->count()) {
You can separate the events by section, specifying in event manager the needed section.
$dispatcher->on(EmailNotifyEvent::class, 'Subject', 'Message Body', ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']);
$dispatcher->on(EmailNotifyEvent::class, 'Another subject', 'Another message Body', ['[email protected]']);
$dispatcher->on(DatabaseReindexEvent::class, 'users');
$dispatcher->on(DatabaseReindexEvent::class, 'orders');
$dispatcher->on(DatabaseReindexEvent::class, 'products');
In this example, will be executed only an events from the section email.notifications
while ($dispatcher->count()) {
Console commands:
In what situations is useful to apply the queue of events:
- When sending email messages
- Parsing websites
- and in other cases, when the execution time of process is very long, and the response from the server must be returned immediately.